Chapter 18

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~A couples months later~

Jimin -> 5 months pregnant

Yoongi's parents had moved to Seoul from Daegu. Yoongi's father wanted Jimin to live with them since he felt bad for the younger. He had nowhere to live instead of living with Yoongi's dorm. Yes, for the past month, Mr.Kim(Seokjin) lets Jimin stayed in Yoongi's dorm since he doesn't have a roommate. Now, Yoongi is packing his things from his dorm since his parents wanted both of them to move in with them so they can take care of the pregnant boy. Since Jimin's parents haven't contacted him.

"So, am I'm going to school since I haven't for a while?"Jimin asked while folding his white shirt then putting it aside from the bed. Yoongi stopped folding his jeans and looked up at his boyfriend. He grinned, seeing his Jimin's stomach is getting bigger.

"Well, my father wanted you to stay home, for now since he didn't want you to tire yourself, " He responds and continued folding his black ripped jeans. Jimin gives a smile and continued folding his white shirts(He has a lot of white shirts lol xD). Yoongi walked towards his pregnant boyfriend and wrapped his hands around Jimin's rounded stomach, back hugging him.

"Is my Yoonminie or Minnie is alright?" Yoongi asked and Jimin giggled his boyfriend's actions towards his unborn child. Then all of a sudden, Yoongi felt a kicked. Their first kick. Yoongi gasped and Jimin stopped folding his clothes.

"Did my Yoonminie or Minnie just kicked?" Jimin asked and Yoongi quickly nodded. Yoongi turns Jimin around and puts his head on Jimin's stomach, then he felt another kick.

"YOONMINIE OR MINNIE JUST KICKED AGAIN!" Yoongi exclaimed and Jimin's had tears in his eyes. Jimin holds his boyfriend's hands that were on his stomach. Yoongi stood up and quickly kissing his lips.

"I can't believe it, that I'm going to be a father soon," Yoongi said and Jimin happily nodded.

"Yoongi, what's going on? I heard shouting!" Mr.Min came in the room, checking the two boys. Yoongi smiled at his father and he raises an eye borrow.

"Yoonminie or Minnie just kicked,appa," Yoongi response and his father dropped his mouth. "Really?!"Mr.Min asked and ran towards the couple.

Jimin grabs Mr.Min's hand towards his stomach and then Mr.Min felt the kick.

"Omo! My grandchild just kicked!" Mr. Min exclaimed. The young couple smiled and Mr.Min chuckled.

"Guess what Jimin-ah?" Mr.Min asked, making the two boys looking up.

"Ne, Mr.Min?" Jimin responds and He snickered.

"Now on call me Appa, alright?"He stated and stroking Jimin's head. He happily nodded.

"So, what happen if I had a room for Min Yoonmin or Min Minnie?" He said. Jimin's eyes widened.

"Really? Appa? You are willing to do that for Yoonmin or Minnie?" He asked and He nodded his head while grinning at his future son-in-law. Jimin didn't have any words so he quickly hugged him and he gladly hugged him back.

"Thank you,Appa! That's would help a lot!" Yoongi thanked his father. Mr.Min shows his gummy like Yoongi's.

"Alright, you two should get packing, Umma and I will pick you up by an hour, okay?"He said letting go of Jimin's embrace and the two boys nodded. Mr.Min grinned and left the room with a big smile on his face since he loves seeing his son is with someone that makes him smiles.He drove his car to his new mansion and saw his wife writing on her book while drinking her tea. He walked towards his wife a wrapped his arm around her shoulder, kissing her head.

"Hm?" She hummed and he chuckled.

"Can I hug my beautiful wife?" He teased and Mrs.Min giggled.

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