Chapter 34

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Yoongi's Pov

"Jiminie?" I called him and he turns around. 

"Yes, Yoongie?" He responds and I smile then walked towards him. He turns his back towards the crib, staring his baby girl, who's sleeping peacefully. I wrapped my arms around his waist, backing hugging him. He let out a sighed and I pouted.

"Yoongie, I was so worried," he started and I dropped my chin on his shoulder.

 "Yeah, it's was our first time, don't you think?" I respond and he nodded. Then, he started to cough. I lift my head off from his shoulder and pats his back to support him.

"Did Minnie gotten to you?" I asked and he shook his head. 

"Maybe, my throats are dry, that's all," he responds and grabs the water bottle that from the table beside the crib. I watched him drank the water bottle and I tilt my head while leaning on my palm. He closed the cap from the water bottle and leans in the crib, still not taking his eyes off of our daughter. I let out a sighed and wrapping my arms around him, staring down at Minnie. I felt him leaning on my shoulder making my corner lip twitching to the side.

"You must be tired Jiminie. How about you take a rest while I watch her," I requested and he looked up giving me his small smile. 

"Really?" He said and I nodded. "Yeah, now go to sleep," I respond and pecks his lips. 

"I love you," He whispered while blowing a kiss with his palm and I caught the invisible blow kiss from him. 

"I love you more, love," I respond and he smiles. Then, closes the door behind from him. I smile and looked down at my little girl who's sleeping like an angel.

"You must be surprised, right? My precious baby, "I muttered while leaning in down at her crib and kiss her two cheeks. Then, I felt her forehead and sighed in relief since it's been cooled down.

Then, I remember how I met this Park Jimin on my Senior Highschool. It's all started when he got bully by a group of boys that wanted to take Jimin's virginity.


"Yah! D-Don't touch me!" The sophomore Highschool Park Jimin yelled towards the boys. They all started to laugh.

"Aww, he's so cute, how about we split the time limited, hm?" One of the boys said and all of them nodding their head. 

"No! Please don't," Jimin stuttered while the two boys while pinning his arms against the locker making Jimin squealed and then he felt the hands unbutton his shirt. 

"N-No, Please stop!" Jimin pleased them but they won't stop. He closes his eyes and let the tears slide down on his chubby cheeks.

"Please somebody help me,"

He thought until he heard someone shouting. 

"Hey! What are you guys doing to this kid!" The Senior Min Yoongi yelled towards the squad. They had stopped touching Jimin's body since nobody wanted to mess with Min Yoongi. Yup. He was in everybody's eyes as the bad boy or a badass that had a cold face but a still cold as ice personality.

"M-Min Yoongi!" One of the boys muttered while Yoongi picking Jimin up and He quickly hides behind him. Yoongi snickered towards the boys who are at in front of him.

"What did you guys do to this kid, Jeez just look at him, "Yoongi stated while turning his head and seen Jimin grasped on his uniform, trying to cover his chest.

"Why are you protecting the virgin sophomore?" One of the boys asked while Yoongi scoffed. 

"Why can't I huh?"Yoongi response cracking his knuckles, making the boys gulped in their throats. 

"You all can leave now, horny teenagers, "Yoongi stated and the leader of the squad, lift his head, signaling his members to leave. So they obeyed him and left out of Yoongi's sight.

Yoongi turns his body, facing the frighten Jimin. Yoongi bent down and pats his head.

 "Are you alright?" He asked as Jimin saw concerned in his eyes. He lightly nods his head making Yoongi smiled. Then, his eyes landed on Jimin's ripped shirt, making him scoffed.

"What did those idiots did to you," Yoongi mumble while taking off his jacket and wrapped the jacket around him, making him blushed.

"Well, what's your name?" Yoongi asked while Jimin clutches on the center of the jacket.

"P-Park Jimin," He responds making Yoongi chuckled. "

Aww, why are you still stuttering, hm? Did they really frighten you?" Yoongi asked while stroking his head. Jimin who's still looking down on the ground, while his two cheeks burning.

"Alright, I will protect you from now on, alright? Park Jimin?" Yoongi said while dragging Jimin to stand up. He brushes off the dirt on Jimin's clothes and his jacket around him. Jimin who's finally looked up at his face. Yoongi smiled and stroke his head.

"Well, see you then?" Yoongi said and Jimin nodded. Yoongi gave a last smile and turn away but Jimin who's called him back.


Yoongi looked at him and he was bitting his bottom lip.

'"T-Thank you, Min Yoongi," Jimin thanked him while Yoongi's smile grew bigger. 

"Aww, you're welcome~" Yoongi replied while ruffled his head.

 "Well, I will meet you soon!" Yoongi said and walked past him.

Jimin smiled and thought. "He's not that bad as I thought,"

End of the flashback

I smiled at the memories will soon be faded away as we now, an engaged couple and also had an adorable baby.

 "Life is so precious," As I thought smiling towards the sleepy baby.

-Double updating is always awesome!~ Guys have you seen Suga new mixtape!~ God his lyrics are so relatable!~


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