Chapter 21

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Min Yoongi's Pov

"Jiminie, she looks like you more than Yoongi-hyung," Taehyung said while holding the sleeping Minnie in his arms while Hoseok back hugging him.

 "She must have Yoongi-hyung sleeping habits," Hoseok stated and I softly laughed at the two people that holding my baby. Jimin smiles at his best friend. While Jimin still laying down on the hospital bed. 

"You must be in a lot of pain," I said. Jimin turns his head towards me and gave softly smiles, then intertwined my hands with his.

"At least it's worth it, right? We can finally see our Minnie," He responds and I gave a squeeze on his hand. 

"Yeah, It is," I replied and he smiles, lightly nodding his head.

"I love you, Park Jimin," I said, leaning closer to his face. 

"I love you too, Min Yoongi," His two cheeks turn pinkish and I smirked, planted my lip to his. The kiss was sweet but yet passionate. Taehyung and Hoseok look up at us and had their lips turns upwards. I pulled away from the kiss and put my forehead to his. 

"I will always love you and our Minnie,"

6 months later

"Finally, I'm finished," I said and stretched my arms up in the air while yawning. I laid back on my seat and crossed my arms together.

"Wow, working with a company? That's some good news to Jiminie and Minnie!~" I said while lightly spinning myself on the spinning chair.

"You're doing an excellent job on your composing and you have a great taste of styling your lyrics," Mr.Namjoon commented and I smiled. "Thanks, Mr. Namjoon, I will continue my work," I respond and He nodded then he about to walked out until he stops his tracks.

"Yoongi, I was thinking," He paused and smiles at me.

"Perhaps, you would like to work with us at BigHit Entertainment? Like helping our composing songs to the new singers," He asked. I tilt my head and he chuckled. 

"Since you're graduating soon," he continued. I show my gummy smile and lightly nod.

 "I would love to," I respond. He chuckled.

 "I told you he will work with us," Mr.Kim came in with a big smile on his face. 

"Yeah, I thought he doesn't since he been wanting to go to YG," Mr.Namjoon stated and I laughed. 

"Well, Mr.Namjoon you're wrong," I said and they both laughed. 

"Oh, since I have talked to the manager about the salary, He told me that you should just quit your part-time job and he'll pay you a good salary since he wanted to help out with your little family," He stated and My eyes widen. 

"Really?!" I exclaimed and he nodded.  

I sighed happily and starting to pack up my things, I turn off my laptop and put it inside my bag. 

"Let's go home now!~" I sang and lift my backpack to my right shoulder. I open the door and close it behind me then walked out the school. I hopped in my car and the first thing I always do before driving is turning on some hip-hop music.

As I was entering my apartment, Minnie's cries were all I heard expect her mother is cooing her. Jimin was bouncing her up and down while patting her tiny back. Minnie buried her face in her mother's neck. Jimin walks towards the kitchen while carrying Minnie and continue stirring the pot with his other hand.

"It's Okay Minnie, Mommy is here, don't worry. The big fat monster won't come near you anymore," He said rubbing her tiny back in circles with his one hand. Her cries have stop and she softly sucking her tiny thumb while laying her head on her mother shoulder. I smiled at the scene and He didn't notice me coming home. I slightly pouted and dropped my bag to the couch.

"Oh, Hyungie, You're home!" he said. I walk towards him and gave him a kiss on his lip and took Minnie out of his embrace since Jimin looks busy making dinner. 

"Hyungie, please help me set out the table since dinner is almost ready," he requested and I nodded.

"Minnie, Daddy is home!" I said while kissing her two cheeks and Minnie giggles.

 "Awe, You have the same giggle like your mother and also your gummy smile looks like mine," I stated and set her on her high chair. I grabbed some cups and chopsticks from the cabinets.

"Hyungie, please get some baby food for Minnie," Jimin requested. 

"Okay~" I respond. I grabbed the baby food from the refrigerator and I turn to Minnie, seeing her staring at me with her big eyes. I closed the refrigerator door and walk to the kitchen to grab a spoon, then I walk back to Minnie and starting feeding her some of her food. Jimin had brought over the table some plates that fill with delicious food. I sniffed the air and my mouth suddenly water. 

"Alright, I'm finished!~" Jimin said. 

"No, Hyungie, let me feed Minnie since you been working and schooling all day long," he stated. I nodded and gave the spoon to him. 

"So I have a piece of great news, Jiminie~" I started and he smiles.

 "What is it?" He asked while scooping a spoonful of applesauce and Minnie happily, opens her mouth. Jimin and I smile at our baby's cute actions.

"Mr.Namjoon just ask me to work with him and it's will be a great salary," I started and he nodded. 

"Really?" He asked and I nodded. 

"That's really good news !~" He exclaimed and I smiled since he just like our daughter. Minnie giggles while happily clapping her hands together because she saw her mother's face lit up. 

-Thanks for reading and I'll be updating soon!~


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