Chapter 38

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"Hyungie!" The Sophomore Jimin calls out and ran towards to his favorite hyung aka Min Yoongi. He gives a warm smile and opens his arms widely so Jimin can run to his arms. Jimin happily accepts the hug and the elder wraps his arms around him.

"How's my Jiminie doing?" Yoongi asked while Jimin's eyes were avoiding his.


Yoongi let out a sighed.

"They are making you uncomfortable again, right?"

"S-sort of."

Yoongi rolls his eyes and held both of Jimin's shoulders, locking his eyes towards the younger.

"Look, Jimin." He looks down at the ground and then locking his eyes again.

 "What they said, it's isn't true, okay? You know I will be always there for you, alright?"He stated. Jimin presses his lips together and hugged Yoongi's torso.

"People told me to stay away from you, "Jimin pouted, feeling tears up in his dark brown eyes.

"But I don't want to," Jimin continued nuzzling his head on Yoong's chest making the elder tightens his embrace around him.

"Then don't listen to them and be mine. Show them that Park Jimin belongs to Min Yoongi, not for anyone else," Yoongi said. Jimin eyes widen, realizing what the elder's confession that came out from his lips.

"H-Hyung?" Jimin shuttered looking up an elder who's staring at him with loving eyes.

Yoongi leans in and planted his lips to the younger, making the younger widens his eyes even more. Eventually, the younger closed his eyes and kisses back, making the elder smile through their first kiss. Yoongi pulled away, making the younger whined.

"J-Jimin, I-"

The younger tip toes and planted his lips to the elder again, shocking the elder. Jimin then pulled away from the kiss while Yoongi's lip still apart.

"I-I Love You too," Jimin responds. Yoongi shows his gummy smile making Jimin eyeing-smile. Then, Yoongi swirls Jimin around making Jimin squeals cutely.

"Finally!~Park Jimin is officially mine!~" Yoongi yells out making Jimin giggles.

A few years later~

Jimin, who is now 18 and his boyfriend, Min Yoongi is 20. The two years gap couple were cuddling at Yoongi's dorm, that Yoongi is room mating with Jeon Jungkook. Since, Jimin didn't want to go back to his dorm because of his best friend, Taheyung and Yoongi's best friend, Hoseok was inside of Jimin's dorm making out.

Jungkook had plans with some other people and he is not coming back until tomorrow night. So, Jimin decides to stay with his boyfriend for a night.

The couple laying down on Yoongi's bed while Yoongi couldn't stop giving kisses around the younger's face.Jimin giggles and snuggles his face on his boyfriend's chest that he's favored. Then, the elder planted his lip to his boyfriend.

Of course, the younger accepts the kiss and response by wrapping his arms around his neck making the kiss a little heat.

Yoongi tilts his head making the kiss deeper as he felt the painful bulge on his crotch area.

As he was trying to ignore the painful on his private area but was afraid that his boyfriends would notice.

Unfortunately, the younger did felt it. So, Jimin palms his boyfriend's crotch area making Yoongi immediately pull away from the kiss.

"Honey, I think we need to stop." Yoongi points out. Jimin shook his head and planted his lip to his. Yoongi quickly pulls away from the kiss.

"J-Jiminie?"Yoongi calls him while Jimin sat up from the bed.

"Hyung, I think you need, though," Jimin stated, looking down on his lap while Yoongi sat up and shook his head.

"Well, I don't want to hurt you even though, I know you're still a virgin." He responds while Jimin sat on his boyfriend's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck and still felt the bulge on his crotch area. Yoongi slightly groans inside at his boyfriend's actions.

"B-Babe, wait-" Jimin shook his head.

"Yoongie, I kind of have that feeling for you, though," he responds making Yoongi held his tiny waist to stop him from shifting on his crotch area.

"Are you sure? I don't want to force you to," He replied. Jimin shook his head again and leans in.

"I also want my first time with you, only you, "He stated while Yoongi sighed defeated. Like who couldn't resist the cute puppy eyes, right?

"Alright then. If I hurt you, please tell me to stop okay?" He stated while Jimin happily nods.

"Because I know myself that I couldn't stop myself," he added.

Yoongi had a big smirk on his face and lightly pushing Jimin on the bed making him laying on his back. While both of his arms on the sides of Jimin's head.

"It's going to be a fun night, my Jiminie and I will make you feel good~" Yoongi stated while Jimin nods and wraps his arms around his neck, wanting to connect their lips together again.

Then the hot night begins!~

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