Chapter 25

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Yoongi's Pov


I fluttered my eyes open when I heard my baby girl's crying for us. The first thing I notice that a there's mop of black hair on my chest and there was the asleep Jimin. I smiled and let him sleep since he had a blast yesterday, plus he might get a big headache by waking him up right now. I lightly gave him a kiss on his head and my eyes wander to his 'Just got fucked' hair. I pulled the blanket off of myself lightly and hiss when I felt the cold air hit my bare body. I pulled the rest of the blanket, covering my fiance with it since I don't want him to be cold while sleeping peacefully. I quickly went to my drawer and grabbed a black t-shirt and pair it with gray sweat pants, then quickly wore them and ran out my share room.

I open Minnie's door and saw her clutches on the bar of her crib while sobbing her eyes off. "It's okay, daddy is here," I cooed her while scooping her up into my arms and bounce her slightly.

"Ma...Ma" she said and my eyes widened.

Those were her first words...

"Minnie, I know you want Mommy but he's still sleeping," I stated while kissing her head a couple of times while she still sobbing, clutches my shirt a little tighter. I let out a sigh and bounce her up and down to calm her down but it did succeed. She laid her head on my shoulder and it made my lips curl up because she has stopped crying.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and she nodding her head on my shoulder. I gave her a last kiss on her head. "Alright, let's prepare you some food then," I respond and carrying her out of her nursery.

I put her down on her high chair and open the refrigerator, pulling the only food she loves to eat and refuses to eat different food, is her famous, apple sauce. But she shook her head and I frowned since she usually wants applesauce. Then, I thought that she wants milk. I open the refrigerator again and heard my angle start to laugh. 

I smile and grabbed the milk container. Then, I showed it to her but she shook her head and I roll my eyes, putting the milk back to the refrigerator then tapped my chin to think what she likes to eat. Then, I remember that Jimin made her some smashed peaches. I pull the small container and show to her. She giggles and I knew that was a yes. 

I close the refrigerator door and put the small container to the dining table then, walk toward the coffee machine. I grabbed a mug and pour some coffee into the mug. Then after that, I walked back to my daughter and sat across her.

"Today is going to be a long day since your mother will start having a hangover and who is going to take care of him?" I asked while popped the lid of the small container with smashed peaches inside.

"Me," I continued and she giggles like she understood everything. I smile at my daughter laughs because they sound like music to my ear.

"You know that I love you right? Min Minnie," I said and feed her some smash peaches. She giggles and showing her eye smiles that make me squeal inside.

Meanwhile at Mr.Park's office

"So, he went out clubbing with his stupid alien best friend, Taehyung?" Mr.Park raises his eyebrow and the unknown man nodded.

"Yes, sir, there's also another guy but he's much older," the unknown man added. Mr.Park nodded and intertwine his hand together then bring them to his chin.

"So, did you seen him?" Mr.Park asked and the unknown nodded.

"Well, I gave him the strongest drink they have," the unknown man stated and Mr.Park smirked.

"Great job, Lee JongSuk, "Mr.Park said and He nodded but looked down on his shoes. 

"Unfortunately, I didn't have sex with him," He confessed scratching his nape and Mr.Park pound his desk. 

"God Damn it, Jongsuk come on, It's easy to touch him since that son of a bitch isn't there with him," Mr.Park yelled and threw his both his hands in the air. Jongsuk flinches by hearing him. 

"S-Sorry, sir, I will continue to follow him and I will make him fallen in love with me," Jongsuk said and Mr.Park rubs his temples. 

"Alright, I allow you to touch my son but all I want you to split them up," Mr.Park stated and he nodded.

"Alright, sir," He response.

Hello there!~

I decideto d have actor Lee Jongsuk in here!~ is that alright?? I'll be updating soon and thanks for all the views.


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