Chapter 19

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A few months later

Jimin--> 8 months pregnant

Since Jimin is almost on his due date, the Min family were always really protective around the pregnant boy for the past couples months and didn't let him do much since they're scared that he going to hurt himself. Mrs. and Mr. Min were always taking Jimin to check his baby every month. The baby so happens to be a girl and Jimin and Yoongi was really excited by hearing the news.

Until Yoongi's parents had to move back to Daegu because his mother didn't like living there and his father had important things to take care of over there. Since his parents are leaving, Mrs.Min had taught them all the things about taking care of a baby and Jimin already knew how to cook. So, Mr.Min brought an apartment for the younger couples so they can live there. 

"Bye Appa and eommni! Thanks for everything and please come to visit us!" Jimin said while hugging the two elders. Mr.Min chuckled while Mrs.Min gave a kiss on his head.

 "Yeah, we will and Yoongi make sure take care our little Jiminie, okay?" Mr.Min said. Yoongi shows his gummy smile and happily nods. 

"Yeah, I will," He respond and Mrs.Min stroking his head.

 "Make sure be careful alright, and remember all the thing I taught you," Mrs.Min stated and the two younger boys nodded.

"Alright, I will see you soon!" Mr.Min said and hugged both the boys. 

"Bye!Umma and Appa," Yoongi said and wave at them. The two elder walks towards the car and waves back at the younger couple.

 "Bye!Jiminie and Yoongie! Umma will come to visit soon, alright!"Mrs.Min shouted and they nodded. The parents gave them their last smile and hopped inside the car, and the driver drove them towards the airport.    

But there're some nights that Jimin was breaking down because he misses his parents. Of course, Yoongi always there comforting him by hugging him tightly, saying that he will never leave him as his parents did. 

"Hyungie, I can't take it anymore. I really miss them! Umma and Appa don't love me anymore," Jimin sobbed while hugging Yoongi's neck, burying his head in his boyfriend's neck. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin and gave him a few kisses on his head. 

"I know you do, but Jiminie, all I can promise is that I will never leave like they did, okay? You know that I love you so much that I can't live without you?" Yoongi stated and Jimin sniffed. 

"Jiminie ,please look at me," Yoongi said and Jimin slowly looking up at his boyfriend. 

"I know that they left you, doesn't mean that they don't love you anymore, "Yoongi said and wipe some few tears from Jimin's eyes with his thumb. 

"Just give them some time to think okay?" Yoongi continued and Jimin slowly nodding his head, putting his head back inside of his boyfriend's neck. 

"I-I love you, too and forever," Jimin response and Yoongi slightly smile.

 "I know you do," He replied. 

Sorry if it short!~ 


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