The theme park

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Months pass and now there's only a week left until Zareena reaches back to her country, her place, and her family. She decides to spend the last week with her only friends, Lisa and Bilal. Who she'll miss a lot, more than she can ever imagine. These five years seem to pass really fast although at first, she thought it was the other way around, slow, dull and endless 5 years of her life.

She's standing in a long queue and hearing Lisa chant about her stories of her last visit to the Disney land. They're waiting at the entrance of the theme park and though Zareena came here 2 years ago, she couldn't help but miss this place, I know, super mature.

"So yeah, do not eat anything before that roller coaster ride or you'll end up like me." Says Lisa.

"You were a mess! Haha." Adds Bilal.

"Omg Lisa! You told me that the last time we were here. So gross, stop talking about it already."

"Yeah I puked a lot." Sighs Lisa.

"Everywhere..." Adds Bilal.

"Omg! Stop it you guys." Annoyed and disgusted Zareena waves her hand, fanning for air in this crowded place.

"You do know we're pretty old, I feel like a grandpa among these kids." Says Bilal with a chuckle.

"When are we going to enter?!" Says Zareena tipping on her toes restlessly.

"Calm down kid we're almost there." Says Lisa.

They finally enter the place and Zareena resists running to her favorite ride with her arms wide open, that will be too dramatic so she brisk walks to the ride instead, while Lisa and Bilal try to catch up to her.

They finally enter the place and Zareena resists running to her favorite ride with her arms wide open, that will be too dramatic so she brisk walks to the ride instead, while Lisa and Bilal try to catch up to her

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After the end of the ride, and getting only a little wet as she was sitting in the back. They head over to take their pictures from this ride, and move along to the next adventure.

"Omg look at you Bilal, scaredy cat." Teases Lisa.

"At-least I didn't puke like you did the last time." Bilal snaps back.

"Okay guys can we stop talking about that! Let's go to the next ride, I'm sooo excited."

"Are you sure you're not six, because you sound like one."

"Speaking of six, Zareena you left your bag in there!" Says Bilal handing her the bag.

"Oh!" Zareena gasps looking over to her shoulder and feeling the absence of her bag.

" 'Oh', I was hoping more for a thank you?"

"Yeahhh, I'm pretty tired of saying that to you."

Her conscience was right on time to bicker at her with the only over used single word that defines herself, "Zareena, you stupid."

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