The return

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Staring at the screen and searching for her flight was Zareena hoping she could get more time to talk to her friends who were standing with her in the departure area, she was glad the boarding hadn't started yet.

"You've everything with you right? Boarding pass, passport and stuff?" Says Bilal, his face filled with concern.

Zareena gives him a nod.

"No, she doesn't have me." Adds Lisa dramatically.

Zareena gives her a smile, "like I told you Lisa, we will stay in touch, don't worry."

They talk for a while but it's like the environment is gloomy as no one seems to smile like they used to before, it's a dull moment and Zareena never thought leaving will be so hard for her. The boarding starts and with that Zareena's heart races.

"I guess I have to go now." She says trying to smile.

As Zareena says this, Lisa starts crying violently and hugs her very tightly, almost suffocating her. She doesn't move a limb and continues sobbing on her shoulder, damping her new scarf.

"Lisa if you stay like this, you might end up killing her." Says Bilal laughing a little.

"I won't let go!" Lisa replies sobbing even more.

Zareena looks over to Bilal and motions him to help her, she was literally dying.



"C'mon Lisa?"


Bilal sighs giving up.

Zareena tries to comfort her, "Lisa it's okay, I'll visit you alright?"

"Promise me."

"I can't, but I'm telling you I'll try my best."

"Skype, every week."


And with that Lisa finally ends her everlasting hug and Zareena gasps for air.

She looks over to Bilal and smiles.

"Thank you for everything, will miss you plane mate."

"Will miss you too."

"Thanks for standing up for me when no one did and also dealing with my clumsiness."

"Just doing my job, knight in shining armor, remember."

"Of course."

"Stay in touch." He says with a nod.

"Yes you too, so... I guess this is good bye." Something breaks inside of her as she says this, her voice weakens and her heart aches.

"Good bye... And do take care."

She looks over to the tear soaked eyes of Lisa and a pretty dull face of Bilal for the last time and turns to walk away to her gate. She can't stop but turn again, after a while, to see if they are still there, she waves to them one last time and walks inside the gate feeling empty and incomplete.

Her journey in the plane is filled with a sudden sadness, she feels lonely again, it's like her first journey and she genuinely feels Bilal's absence. His company was annoying at first but then it changed to something different. She was missing her friends so much.


She reaches the Karachi airport and is struck with homesickness. How much she had missed this place!

THE TRANSITION (completed☑️)Where stories live. Discover now