The bullies

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She reaches their dorm after the tiring flight and too tired to eat, she decides to take a nap, while Lisa goes to the cafeteria for lunch.

After her short nap, which consisted of her stomach growling as she ate close to nothing in the plane, she finally decides to join Lisa for lunch.

She's too tired to change so she leaves in her traditional clothes.

She walks towards the lift where there is a group of people, who start eyeing her suspiciously, she becomes conscious and hopes the elevator to come sooner.

But as her life wasn't miserable enough, the people around her start throwing words at her.

Her first attempt is to ignore all the talks, she's already done with all this and all she wants right now is food.

Clare suddenly leads the group closer to her, "guys, have you heard there was a disaster in our dorm." She starts laughing, trying to call everyone's attention, and to Zareena's surprise, she doesn't fail at it.

Laughing at her, was her old roommate who had said thousands of words at her in their room but now she was saying it out loud.

Zareena tries to calm herself, she's not claustrophobic but now she does begin to feel like it.

"Oh too bad you can't talk, all you do is stammer, you goat."

The whole crowd is silent. Everyone is just standing there, staring at what is going on. Enjoying the show probably.

Zareena's done standing there so she decides to take the stairs, all the while thinking, "It's been two years and some people just don't change, they in turn become even worse, just like Clare."

She walks by the crowd but is stopped by Clare again, cutting her path and standing in front of her with a skeptical smile.

"Oh! Don't you show me your attitude, just because you have higher GPA than all of us, you are still a pathetic loser and no one even thinks about dating you."

And with this Zareena boils up, she promises to herself that she is not going to cry like the last time and she doesn't need any help. So, she turns to face Clare and her puppets with all the guts she can manage. She can hear her heart throbbing while heat flushes over her face.

"Clare! I'm so done hearing your talks all these years, if you have a problem with the way I dress, then just keep it with yourself, because I,  genuinely don't give a shit about your meaningless and pointless opinions."

And with this, surprisingly, the crowd stares at her in awe.

"Oh and by the way, not being in a relationship is way better than your ruthless 'months' or 'days' of your so called 'commitment'." Adds Zareena trying to throw out whatever confidence was left in her.

"you're ugly and nobody likes you. If I were you, even I would've hated myself," Clare tries to backlash.

"I don't think being ugly is miserable, I'm grateful for not being some one like you. Some one who has no respect for anyone, who makes fun of others just for a laugh. So again, I don't need your opinions, at least I'm not a rude insolent bitch like you are, and I'm pretty much glad by that itself." Zareena replies calmly although her insides were shaking, she still can't believe that all these words that were always on her mind but she never had the courage to speak, were all out now.

"C'mon girls we don't need to talk to this Isis loser." And with that Clare sashayed her hair and left.

Zareena had more to say but Clare was gone, and now she was left with a crowd surprisingly praising her.

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