The decision

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After Bilal leaves Zareena hanging in a state of shock and surprise, she tries to busy herself by burying in books. Her face was still burning after hearing the proposal. Though, she was reading a book but her mind was elsewhere repeating the conversation she just had.

Her thoughts are broken when she hears her dad entering the room. She straightens herself immediately, keeping the books away and tries to smile, but too much was already going on on her mind and she couldn't focus at all.

"I heard everything," her dad begins in a very serious tone seating himself in a nearby couch.

Then and there Zareena's inside crumple, "everything?"

"yes, everything."

Zareena remains quiet and focuses on her bed sheet unable to look at her dad.

"Bilal is a nice guy... but we don't know anything about him, his family, or his background, so, I'm glad you said no to him."

Zareena nods silently.

"And also, we've to go to Pakistan by next month, I've booked our ticket."

She nods again, but at the same time she felt like something broke inside her, making her heart ache.

"Okay take some rest now." With that, her dad leaves and for some reason Zareena feels guilty about everything, even though it isn't her fault.

Days pass and Zareena is able to walk properly, and her hand movements are also better than before.

Bilal and Lisa come to visit her often, but she's not able to talk to Bilal anymore. So they spend a little time talking about anything but the marriage, when one day Lisa breaks the silence unable to stand the awkwardness.

"What's wrong with both of you? Did something happen?" She looks at Bilal.

"I'm alright, I don't know about her."

"I'm fine too." Zareena snaps back.

"You guys certainly don't sound like," says Lisa, then she eyes Bilal, "did you do the talk?"

Bilal nods.

"Oh god... Now I get it!" Sighs Lisa and adds, "there was honestly nothing wrong with what he said." She looks over to Zareena waiting for an answer.

"You won't understand Lisa; can we talk about something else! Please?" Zareena speaks softly.

Lisa stares at Zareena for a moment, trying to ask her what's wrong, but Bilal leaves the room sighing, ending the conversation. Lisa glances on the floor, deeply saddened and losing every ounce of hope that was left.


Zareena is leaving for Pakistan today. Lisa and Bilal come to drop them at the airport.

She hugs Lisa tightly saying goodbye for the 100th time, and they talk for a while, and on the other side Bilal bids good bye to her dad, but is surprised by the sudden embrace.

"Thank you for everything child, god bless you."

"Pleasure." says Bilal trying to smile but sadness had taken over his face.

Bilal lets go of the embrace but is suddenly taken into another one again, this time her dad whispers something in his ears, startling him.

"Look, I've thought about this for a long time. If you do really love her, then send your parents to our house...for the proposal."

Bilal eyes him in shock," wha-  really? Are u serious?" He can't help but smile a little, it's been a while since he had been this happy, and embraces her father, thanking him gratefully.

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