"I'm not going!" I yell. He gives me a stone cold glare.
"Don't try me! Business is booming! Your a thief, a criminal! You always have been and always will be!" He yells back. I slump down in the wall and stare coldly at the floor.
"Not you too." I mutter. Al slumps down beside me like that first night in Michigan. He pulls out a cigarette and puts it to his lips. He grabs the lighter out of his other pocket and cups his hand around the little stick to light it. Smoke wafts through the air as he inhales smoothly.
"New hobbie?" I say.
"Can't believe you haven't started yourself yet, all things considered." Al replies. Smoke falling out of his mouth each time it's opened.
"What's that meant to mean?"
"Well, you've been abused, you've been into prison, you've been in foster care, your mom died And you know what happened in prison..." Al says. Trailing off in that last part. He's the only person I've ever told apart from Susan and Tobias.
"What,I was touched?" I say glaring at him. "Some guy fucking touched me. You can say it Al. I thought you were braver then that." He shakes his head and dabs the end of the cigarette butt into the ground. Putting it out before chucking it away.
"Want one?" He asks offering me the packet. I shake my head in response. "Thought you were braver then that Prior." He mocks. I look at the packet for a moment.I can't take one. I shouldn't take one. I take one. I lift it to my lips. But stop just as it's about to touch them. It's not going to take the pain away, Tris, you know that right? A voice rings through my head. It's just going to suck whatever's left of your sorry little life right out of you. It won't change ANYTHING. It tells me. I come back to my senses and pass him back the cigarette.
"I'm braver because I don't want this to shorten whatever's left of my life. Only I have the power to do that. And I'm not ready to give up yet."
"Suit yourself." He says and lights it. Coward.After a while we get up. I pull a crumpled piece of paper out of pocket as it starts to become dusk. Our empty back packs lay loosely on our backs as they wait to be filled with tonight's loot. If we don't fill our quoter. Let's just say... There's going to be consequences. I've already argued with my dad about stealing again, especially this place. I shiver as the air become colder quickly and wind whips through my thin black hoodie. I don't want to do it. I really don't want to do it. But I've got too.
I show him the bit of paper. We've got to loot this house tonight.It becomes dark quickly and fog begins to set in. I sigh and we both break into a slight jog as we run to the house. I slide my Black beanie on. Making it cover my face slighty and then I pull my hood over my head. I check the address. This is the house. It's 3:00 in the morning so everybody should be asleep. We walk to the back door and Al hits the handle. It doesn't open.
"Move." I say and nudge him out the way. He frowns at me. I pull a hair pin out of my pocket and slide it into the door. After a few moments the door clicks and opens. I smirk to myself.
"Well Prior, you've still got it." He remarks. I glare at him and creep in silently.
"I'll take upstairs, you take downstairs. Got it?" I say and he nods. I slowly start to creep up the stairs. The second stair at the top makes a slight creak but not enough to wake up the house hold. I go from room to room and grab whatever looks expensive. I enter the last room on the top floor. The familiar door has. T on the front.This is Tobias' house. I walk into the room and feel my stomach sink. Im about to steal his stuff. I pull off my backpack and take a look inside. I might have enough already. I soft snore come from the bed. I walk over to see a sleeping Tobias curled up in his bed. I shut my eyes and sigh. I won't do this to him. My dad just picked a house at random. When I tried to get out of it. He hit me. He told me that if I didn't he would bring hell upon me. Sometimes it's just easier to comply to people then fight them.
I open my eyes and see a few locks of his hair covering his face. I lift up my hand and gently brush them away. I shut my eyes and sigh, again. After a few moments I open them to see Tobias staring back. He doesn't ask me why I'm in the house. That's not even the first thing he said.
"You look like you were praying." He laughs quietly. I can't look at him. I don't dare look at him. The bruises and the embarrassment run too deep.
"Tris," he says softly and places a finger under my chin and gently turns his head to face him. His eyes look glassy in the dim light.
"Who's making you do this?" He asks softly. Trying not to scare me.
"N-n-no one." I answer certainly. Or at least I tried too make it sound real.
"Tris?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me. "Is it your dad?" I look at him for a moment then look away again. He sighs and shakes his head.
"Gang trait." He mutters.
"What?" I ask.
"Gang trait. A trait of being in a gang. They tell you not to say anything or your in the shit and you know it." He tells me. How does he know I'm part of something like that. We're not exactly the Mafia are we!I get up and start to walk out of the room.
"Why did you come here tonight?" He asks.
"To steal." I answer quietly. Ashamed of who I am and what I've become. He chuckles quietly.
"Oh Tris Prior," he says "the only thing you've succeeded in stealing ,is my heart." I close the door silently and lean against it.
"And you've stolen mine."

Lost + found: sequel to We Are One (divergent fanfic)
FanficI've been forced to move back to Michigan with my dad. If you can call him that. Tris has been forced to move back to Michigan with her father after he threatened her. After getting involved with things and people she didn't want to be involved with...