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Honestly I know I promised nothing sad on this but this turns fluffy I promise okay? There are no triggers though it just gets a tiny bit sad, that's all xoxo

             Take me Home/Pentatonix

Do you ever just get sad?

There was no other way for Mitch to describe his feelings. He was simply sad. Nothing more, nothing less.

Life knocks you hard sometimes and you just want go somewhere far away where no one knows your name and hide.


He knew he was loved by many and he had no reason to feel the way he felt.

Sometimes love is not expressed in just "i love you's". Mitch could bring up so many ways people said they loved him without really speaking the words.

"It reminded me of you."
"Well what do you want to do?"
"It's two sugars right?"
"That's okay. I bought two."
"We'll figure it out"
"I picked these for you."
"Do you want to come too?"
" I noticed."
"I made your favourite."
"Drive safely."

"Can I kiss you?"

The last phrase lingered on his mind a little longer.

"Can I kiss you?"

That was what his best friend asked him last night while they were cuddling together after a long day of touring.

Scott asked if he could kiss him and Mitch said yes.

Mitch said yes in a heartbeat.

So Scott did kiss him.

And he wouldn't trade that moment for anything in the world.

He was thinking of that when Scott walked in the room in a black bulky sweater that Mitch had bought last week from Vétements.

"Is this mine?"

"Yes actually, it is." Scott jumped on the bed, causing Mitch to jump a bit.

"I thought you didn't like it."

"It's not what I would normally wear, but it smells like you so I wore it." Scott smiled sheepishly and even though Mitch found it adorable he could only give him a weak smile.

He didn't even know why he was sad to begin with.  The kiss with Scott last night was one of the best things that ever happened to him.
He didn't  know if they were officially a "thing" now but he didn't mind that. They'd figure it out.


"Hey, what's up? Did I do anything? I thought you were okay with-you know, last night and stuff." He scratched the back of his neck and Mitch immediately noticed the nervous habit.

"No, not at all!Last night was great I told you that. Everything's great. It's just- Oh I don't  really know." Mitch sighed.

How the fuck do I even begin to explain this?

"You can always talk to me,you know that." Scott said and moved in closer, caging Mitch in his arms.

"I know Scott. It's just-I-I don't know how to explain this. I'm just sad you know? I get it that everything's great for us. But I'm just sad. " He tried to sound nonchalant.

"Listen, everyone's entitled to just not feel great sometimes. It's normal. That's why I'm here. I'll just order some fancy wine on room service and food and we'll sit here and talk it out until you feel better." Scott kissed Mitch's temple gently.

His lips felt warm and he was suddenly left wanting more.

Scott started to call room service but before he knew it Mitch had grabbed the hem of his sweater pulling him closer and kissing his lips.

He tasted like coffee and smelled like everything good in this world.

He smelled like home.

Scott was home.

And in that moment, Mitch's sadness disappeared.

Because he knew that whenever he felt sad he could always come home.

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