Letters to loved ones

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Y'all, I was productive for once and I wrote!

                Fallingforyou/the 1975

Mitch looked at his phone.

13 February

2:00 am.

Scott would wake up from the place next to him in a couple of hours, all radiant smiles and blue eyes and messy hair.

And he would have the perfect gift and the perfect thing to say and he would give the perfect hug and the perfect kiss.

And Mitch would just stand there, unprepared and breathless at the beautiful human in front of him, that words can't come to describe.

For Mitch, Valentine's Day was hell.

Not because he wasn't satisfied with his love life. Scott was everything he ever wanted and much more. But because when you're with someone as wonderful as him you can never say or do enough.

Mitch silently slipped out of the bed careful not to wake up the sleeping blond next to him.

Scott made a whining sound in his sleep and Mitch kissed his temple softly.

He grabbed a notebook and a pen and hid himself in Scott's old bedroom that was now empty.

He sat crosslegged on the white comforter and started writing.

Words slipped from his finger easily and soon he found himself trying to cover more and more of Scott in them, drowning him in paragraphs the same way Mitch drowned in his eyes.

                                     For you.

13 of February, 2:30 am.

My love, Happy Valentine's Day.

I pressured myself to try and find the perfect thing to buy for you and say to you but any attempt is useless as it does not portray how much you mean to me.

To put it simply, I love you.

Not that it would be the first time you heard since I try and remind you whenever I can but lord a phrase has never meant that much to me until now.

And no, it's not because it's 2 am and the way your hand touched my waist while you were asleep.  I don't just think about you at 2am.

I think about you every morning I wake up next to you and you smile at me;that million dollar smile and your eyes crinkle at the sides and I feel myself falling in love even more. I think about you when I go out with friends and think about how it would be better if you were there. If you asked me when I started thinking about you I would reply never.

Because I never really stopped so that I would have to begin again.

My words can't cover how glad I am I met you      or how happy you make me feel. You make my life better and without you I would never be where I am today. I'm glad we get to share this together, every experience and every bump along the way.

I can't describe the way your smiled and your laugh make me feel or how much I love your laugh lines. They show you lived and you laughed and I like to think I caused some of them. I just want you to be happy Scotty. Whatever that means to you.

I fall in love with you more and more everyday, even though I know everything there's is to you. I fall in love with the way your hair looks when you wake up. I fall in love with your voice;singing or not. I fall in love with the way you touch me but never realize it. I fall in love with you and everything I already know.

But you're so much more than paragraphs and words on a paper Scott and fuck even this is not enough. Nothing is enough and when it comes down to it I can only hope you understand how much my I love you means.

I love you.

Here's to whatever is to come.

Mitch x

And even though Mitch still didn't find it enough the next morning he left it on the bed next to Scott with a kiss.

And as he expected Scott had the perfect gift and the perfect words and Mitch was kissing him, the kiss being salty from his tears because he was so blessed to have this boy.

This boy who could so effortlessly touch perfection as he spoke to him and whispered how much he loved him in his ear.

This boy who cried at Mitch's letter and told him how everything he did was enough to him.

This boy who at the end of the day he fell asleep next to and he could never be happier.


Soo there's that! I have to admit I'm kind of proud of this even if it's incredibly sappy but that's what tumblr and Ariana Grande do to you at midnight.

I'm going to attempt something more light hearted next time okay? I promise.


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