Could I have your name?

204 12 3

Ties/ Years and Years

"you give me a different fake name every time you come into starbucks and I just want to know your real name bc ur cute but here I am scrawling "batman" onto your stupid cappuccino"

Mitch saw Blondie again on Monday.

"Morning Mitch." He shot him a charming smile when he reached the counter.

"Morning. What can I get you today?"

Blondie cocked an invisible eyebrow.

He had been coming in the coffee shop Mitch worked at for a month now and always got an iced coffee but Mitch was still obliged to asked.

"House rules, sorry. So that's an iced coffee I guess. What name do I write?"

He sent a silent prayer to get a name this time.

You see, the thing with Blondie was, Mitch didn't know his actual name. That's how 'Blondie' was born.

Since his first visit he always used anything and everything he could think of. From "Cinderella" to "Beyoncé" his answers never failed to put an amused smile on Mitch's face.

But still, after a month of seeing Blondie's  face everyday and not having a name-or preferably a phone number- to match it to was getting annoying.

Blondie smirked in response. "Batman."

Mitch burst out laughing.
This idiot.

"Okay then Batman. Your coffee will be done in a bit."

"Thanks babe." Came the reply as Blondie made his way to the end of the counter to wait for his coffee.

Mitch rolled his eyes.

If he was honest, he had a bit of a crush on the mysterious Blondie who came there everyday. He was tall and handsome and absolutely Mitch's type and he didn't know if he wanted to shoot him or kiss him.

He quickly finished up with the coffee before sliding it towards him,while he was checking his phone on the other side of the counter.

"One iced coffee for Batman. It's 2 dollars by the way."

"I think I know by now Mitchy. There you are." He quickly handed him the cash and with a small wave he was out and Mitch fell back into his boring routine.


The next morning Mitch found him already waiting outside the coffee shop when he arrived.

"It's 6 in the morning what on earth could you be doing here?"  He struggled but finally unlocked the door and slipped in, Blondie on his heel.

As he slipped into his uniform, he received a small smirk.

"Well good morning sunshine."

Mitch rolled his eyes again, something he seemed to be doing a lot when he was around.

"Yeah, yeah cut the crap. So, iced coffee?"

Blondie let out a small laugh and nodded.

"So endearing Mitchy. But yes."

Mitch nodded and grabbed a cup, already set up for disaster. "Name?"

Blondie shifted a bit on his feet before looking up again. He scratched the scruff he had been growing on his face- witch Mitch didn't mind at all- before looking up.

"You got me there. I have like no idea for today. What about you choose?"

Mitch looked up, surprised.

He gave a mischievous smile to the blond before scribbling something quickly on the cup.

"Okay then. Go wait for your coffee mister."

Mitch had never made coffee so quickly in his life.

He poured it into the cup so quickly that he got some on himself but he didn't even care as he passed the cup to Blondie.

He watched as he examined the name carefully and smiled.

"Thank you Mitch." He passed him two dollars and a small paper before turning around and exiting, still sipping the coffee.

Mitch sighed and was preparing to fall back into his routine when he heard the small bell on the door.

"Oh and Mitch? It's Scott, in case you were wondering."

When he saw Mitch's blank stare he added:

"Check the paper."

And with that he was gone, leaving a dumbfounded Mitch staring at the scribbled number on the note that was signed with an S.


Not gonna lie, this was a prompt from tumblr cause I'm on a very serious block. But it was pretty cute and I saved some more of them that I really want to write so expect updates!

But yay for doubles!


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