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Long time no see friends! I'm sorry it's been so long but as you can probably tell I've been quite busy lately!
Hope you enjoy this one,

the quiet- troye sivan

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was how the smell of his cologne was overwhelming me.

It wasn't the bad kind of  "overwhelm", not really, it was the comforting kind that reminded me that he was there and he was with me.

The next thing was that Scott was lightly shaking me, one arm on the headboard of the bed and the other slightly touching my shoulder.

"Hey baby, wake up. Come on, Mitchy."

I shut my eyes really tight before finally squinting towards the alarm clock only to see it was-

"You HAVE to be fucking kidding me! It's 5:30 in the morning!"

My whisper yell didn't even startle the 6'3 man of mine who was now standing with his arms crossed over his chest, amused if anything.

He chuckled a bit, ran a hand through his very messy hair that was calling for me to touch it and then moved towards the drawers.

I stood up and followed right behind him.

"Scott!? For fuck's sake, what is this?"

He blatantly ignored me and started throwing clothes from drawers.

Sweatpants, a hoodie, a t-shirt.

"Wear these okay? And make sure you're warm, it's really cold out."

Defeated, I grabbed the clothes and quickly put them on, eager to follow.


"Scott for the last fucking time, why are we climbing to the very top of the building?"

He turned around and looked at me once, before grabbing my hand and starting to go up the stairs faster.

"For the love of god when we go up there I'm jumping of!"

Soon enough, we did reach the top of the building and he fumbled with the door before opening it swiftly and revealing our very plain and pretty ugly rooftop.

That was until I saw the sky.

The sun had just started rising, painting the sky all hues of purple and orange and pink and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen besides his eyes.

I felt a hot breath on the back of my neck and two arms came around and hugged my waist.

"Surprise" was whispered in my ear and I felt a kiss behind it.

"It's beautiful." I turned to finally face Scott. "Thank you."

He didn't look at me but he smiled at the horizon.

I noticed how the sky reflected in his blue eyes, making them even prettier, and how the golden light illuminated his features.

He looked alive.
More alive than pills or smoke could ever make anyone.
He looked vibrant.

And that day, I decided that every morning I wanted to be up, watching the sunrise.


The next time I watched the sunrise it was 7:30 and I was alone.

The cold felt like a slap and the wind seeped through my cardigan because Scott wasn't there to tell me to dress well.

The sky was beautiful but it wasn't the same, the dark blues reflecting my mood.

I let the tears flow as I watched, without arms hugging me.

But I had promised him, and myself, that even when the other side of my bed was empty and cold, I would come out here and watch the sunrise for him.

"It will keep you company when I'm not there."

I bit the inside of my lip and wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to stop the cold from seeping in but it was pitiful.

He had been gone for a week now, taking his things and storming off in a rage, and the real cold that needed warming up was the one that had made a home under my chest.


The weather wasn't inviting but it didn't matter.

It had been a week since he came back and even if it was snowing, inside I felt like it was a warm morning in July.

The sky wasn't anything special today but he still looked at it like it was the most precious art piece he had ever seen.

I promised myself that one day I would paint him like this.
I would capture the way his eyes looked and how his face softened, the way his mouth quirked up on one side in a small smirk.

When he turned and looked at me, his expression didn't falter.

"Do you think you could love me as much as you love the colors of the sunrise?"

He smiled.

"I'd give them up to stay in bed with you and only be able to see plain white sheets every morning for the rest of my life."

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