wanna date me for a weekend?

250 26 20

My homophobic parents are coming to visit will you pretend to date me as an extra "fuck you"?

                Everybody Talks/ Neon trees

Mitch tapped his fingernails nervously against the marble of the kitchen counter, the repetition of the tapping noise his nails made somehow soothing his nerves.

He had just got off the phone with Nel who had,not very happily,announced that his parents were coming to visit for the weekend.

Then she proceeded to criticize everything he was doing with his life but what else is new?

His parents were never happy with him choosing to study music but USC was more than happy to take him in and so was he to leave home.

Being gay was only the cherry on top to completely set them off.

He could very vividly remember Mike's reaction when he came out, he had stopped using "mom and dad" years ago. It was a mix of confusion and anger and Mitch often wondered how they didn't suspect him.

His presence in high school screamed "flaming homosexual" in big red bold neon letters and so did the various boy who came in and out of his window at night.

But who was he to judge?

What he really wanted now was to completely set them off. To show them that not only was he succeeding in university but he also had a stable life and well.. a boyfriend.

All of these couldn't be farther from the truth but they didn't need to know that now did they?

The hard thing was that he couldn't be more single.

He had flings now and then, sure, but he never had anything stable in his life except from his cat and that needed to change urgently.

Now he was sitting in his apartment with Kirstie,raiding his phone for numbers of boys that he could possibly recruit.

He needed someone that looked like mister perfect. Perfect face, perfect grades, someone that had his life together.

Unlike Mitch that lived off of ramen noodles for the past week.






"Yes but.. no. Too perfect, I could never get him to date me."

"Big Da- No I'm not reading that, moving on."

Mitch chuckled.



He grabbed the phone off of his blonde friend's hands and tapped at the contact name quickly.

Scott, the guy that lived next door.

Yes, that would be perfect. Actually that would be more than perfect, that's ideal!

He hummed approvingly and Kirstie looked up.

"So, who's the lucky guy?"

Mitch rolled his eyes at her silliness.

Kirstie has been his best friend since they were kids and he trusted her with anything and everything in the world but sometimes he needed her a bit more serious.

"Kirstin Maldonado can you focus on me for a second? I'm planning my big "fuck you" moment here!"

Kirstie fondly shook her head while laughing and when she got a glare in response she finally managed to compose herself.

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