Blood red

220 10 2

              Empire medley/Superfruit

I wasn't concentrated.

And how could I be when it felt like it was his heartbeat ringing through my veins, each beat making me jolt forward like I was hit by lightning.

He was speaking but I wasn't listening, brushing the words off and only focusing on the sound and the hum of his voice making me shudder.

I felt a light touch on my shoulder.

Turning my head, I was greeted by the sight of a hand, nails carefully painted a dark red color.

It reminded me of blood and I bit back a laugh at how fitting it was for the owner.

I took notice of the chunky gold ring on his finger and lifted mine to lightly touch the surface.

His hand came slightly forward, now resting on my chest and I took it in mine instinctively but quickly released it when I realized what I've done.


His voice was steady and smooth and I had to wait a bit to reply or else mine would be the exact opposite.


The blood red nails dug into my skin and I hissed.

He let out a cold laugh.

"Are you scared?"

Scared? No.

"No, I wouldn't say so."

Terrified? Very much so.

He lifted his hand and I carefully turned around in my chair to face him.

Mitch gave me an arrogant smile.

"Hello, Scott."

I took a deep breath and wished for the small office walls to come close and crush me in between.

"Hello, boss."


The gun was heavy in my hand and I placed my hand on the trigger, holding it and aiming at the wall in front of me.

Mitch smirked from his seat on the desk and I wanted to aim at him and pull the trigger, knowing fully well that the gun was loaded.

Or that's what I told myself I should want.

As if he read my thoughts he moved his black turtle neck slightly upward and away from his jeans, revealing a similar one resting on his hip.

I let my hand fall, the weight of the gun bringing it down faster.

I wonder if it was it's actual weight or the meaning behind it that maid it that heavy in my palm. I decided on the latter.

I looked up at Mitch.

"I still don't know how to work with this."

He looked at me and nodded.

"Follow me."

Mitch insisted that I was making progress but the target in front of me said otherwise.

"This is so pointless." I ran a hand through my hair trying to smooth it out but probably making it even worse.

"Oh for god's sake. Your posture. Come here Hoying."

He beckoned me with his finger in front of his own target and I noticed how good his aim was immediately.

He handled the gun with ease like it was an extension of his arm.

It truly could be, but being so lethal by himself he didn't need it.

When I reached him, he tiptoed to reach my arms.

He adjusted my ear plugs slightly, he didn't want me to become deaf he said before he slipped them in although he wasn't wearing any.

He fixed my hands first.

"Keep the gun steady." He moved my fingers a bit and changed my hold. "No fingers in the side or the hammer. The gun might 'bite' you and except from painful, you could also drop the gun and get injured."

I nodded at his instructions.

He slipped his feet between mine and pushed my legs apart.

"If you're shooting with one hand, make sure you're standing more open. Your dominant foot is towards the target." He pushed my right foot a bit. "Like this."

I nodded again.

"Now shoot."

I narrowed my eyes slightly and looked at the target before pulling the trigger like he instructed.

It hit right in the center and Mitch cheered.

"See? Not that hard."

I sighed.

"Guess so. Um.. Thank you."

I looked down at him, blue eyes meeting his warm brown ones.

Always inviting but at the same time challenging.

Challenging me.

His lips parted slightly as he looked at me and I guessed I've gone completely insane because I wanted him so much that it hurt my chest.

I grabbed his face with my free hand, my other one still holding the gun and reminding me what and who I am.

I am Scott Hoying, a murderer, a killer, an assassin.

I am Scott Hoying and I work in the most dangerous criminal organization in the United States, Blood red.

I am Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi is my boss.

I pulled away.


Okay y'all this is kinda short but.. I'm thinking of making it a book? I have no idea honestly we'll see!

For now enjoy indecisive killer Scott as I cry about the Doctor series


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