Goodmorning sweetheart

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So i guess this is a thing idk. I kinda like it kinda don't honestly this book is just whatever makes sense to me at midnight but enjoy xoxo

                Touch It/Ariana Grande


Scott opened his eyes to an unknown ceiling.

His head was pounding like a hammer hitting against a wall and his eyes squinted at the sight of light coming from a small window.

He let himself adjust to the unfamiliar environment and took time to look around him. His body was covered by sheets and he could see his clothes, neatly folded, on the edge of the bed.

He slowly stood up and slipped on his underwear and his jeans, since he didn't have the choice of clean clothes, before heading towards the door hoping to find some sort of explanation for all of this.

He ended up in the kitchen. There was a round table in the middle of it with a couple of magazines sitting on top. As well as a boy.

He was rather small, his thin frame hidden behind a big maroon sweater and he was holding a cup of what smelled like freshly brewed coffee in his hands.

The boy looked up and smiled at him.

"Good morning sweetheart."

Scott was taken aback. From what he had gathered, this guy most likely brought him home from the club he was at yesterday.

Some memories flooded back to him, like small scraps of paper.

Dancing with the same small boy, kissing, drowning in his embrace and laughing in a cab.

He smiled back.

"Good morning."

The boy drank from his coffee again and then jumped from the table.

"I made some for you too but I didn't know how you liked it. I have creamer and sugar if you'd like."

Scott took the time to watch him as he walked towards the counter to fill another mug.

His hair was messy but he didn't seem to care. His steps were small and careful, like the earth could shatter under his weight.

"I'll take both thank you."

He took a hold of the creamer and the sugar and made his coffee, taking his time to comprehend the situation he was in.

The boy simply nodded and sat on the counter watching Scott.

"You don't remember sweetheart, do you?"

Scott bit his lip nervously.

Truth was, he didn't even remember the boy's name.

"Not much. Just some small parts to be honest."

The boy smiled sympathetically.

He left his cup on the counter and extended his arm forward to Scott, who took it in his.

"I'm Mitch."

"I'm Scott."

"I know. I figured you were drunk but I didn't really think you wouldn't remember anything."

The boy- Mitch shrugged.

Scott let go of his hand, which he realized he had been holding the whole time.

His hands were soft and small and his nails were painted a dark navy blue.

"Yeah, sorry I probably sound like such a douchebag right now."

Scott shook his head and let a humorless laugh slip through.

Here he was, in a stranger's house, doing the thing he criticized so many of his friends for.

"It's fine sweetheart, I don't mind. I'm used to it by now." He flashed a sad smile. "Your stuff is in bedroom, I can call you a cab if you'd like."

Scott took a gulp of his coffee as well.

Way too sweet.

"No, n-Actually um, I'd like to stay for a while. You know learn whatever happened last night." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "If you don't mind of course."

Scott was very interested in the small boy that made him laugh until he cried and left his marks scattered on Scott's skin, from his neck to his collarbones and even some on his thigh.

Mitch untucked his legs from underneath him and stretched them, trapping  Scott in between.

The space between the counter and the kitchen bench was small, meaning they were very close.

Scott's breath quickened when Mitch raised his hand and traced his jawline with a careful finger.

Mitch smiled and let his hand fall limp to his side.

Scott smiled back feeling strangely comfortable in the silence that engulfed him and the almost stranger that sat in front of him.

Mitch broke the silence first.

"Have a seat sweetheart. I have a feeling you and I will be sitting here for a long time."


Hours seemed like minutes when Scott was sitting next to the small boy.

Mitch helped him recall how he ended up in his apartment and what happened afterwards, rarely stopping to sip his coffee and let Scott think.

They seemed to click with each other immediately, Mitch ending up in hysterics after Scott cracked a joke and Scott being utterly fascinated by Mitch and his crazy stories.

Scott certainly didn't mind when somehow Mitch ended up on his lap, covering his face with this hands and wiping his tears from laughing too hard.

He felt like a nervous high schooler when he reached down and kissed Mitch, right before he left.

"I'll see you very soon sweetheart." Where the last words he heard before the door closed.

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