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Chapter 14 (Greetings!)

Sakura's POV

What happened?

I aroused from my slumber.

I was in an empty wooden room with only a candle, lighting my view.

It was so quiet.

I bore my eyes to the cuts that were deep into my wrist...

Now I remembered.

I flashback to the orders that I was given and when I went to go find that strange girl. I never did finish that order, and I can't seem to recall why?

I thought back to when I fell but then thats it! I woke up here...alone

(Or so I thought)

"Keep it down. Or the demons will hear you."

I jumped at the sudden voice.

I spun my head to the right and saw a shadow sitting next to me.

It took a while for my vision to accustom with the darkness but when it adjusted, I came to see a boy about my age.

He stared at me curiously which made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

He realized that and smiled politely.

"I'm Kohaku, what's your name?" He greeted.

"Sakura" I replied.

We bowed silently then remained quiet for a moment.

"What are you doing here?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I work under Naraku."

"Me too" I replied with interest.

"How did you come to meet him?"

I shrugged.

"Don't remember, you?"

He shook his head.

"well, it's nice meeting you"

"Yup you too." He added.


Kaede's POV

"It's been a while . . . Kikyo." I said.

She bowed her head silently.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"Hmf, I've been doing well in my fifty years. Now I'm old and wrinkled, my time here has passed since those long days ago."

She remained quiet, not able to reply.

"I see that it was a shock to find out who Sakura was now wasn't it?" I pointed out.

"How?" She wondered.

I shrugged. "It just ended up that way."

I couldn't tell if it was the moon, but all I knew was that her face became pale and transparent like a ghost.

"Are you all right?"

She nodded solemnly.

"She is a very remarkable girl, I've never seen anybody with such power. Of course it hasn't taken its full potential just yet, but still, it's so strong." I stated.

"I see." Was all she said.

I sighed tiredly and excused myself to go rest.


Sakura's POV

It was nice talking to somebody for a change.

Kohaku was very polite and didn't have the same eerie vibe as Naraku did.

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