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In this fic, titans do actually have to eat to survive. They get energy from the sun but it's not enough, so they need to eat raw meat like humans or animals, even other titans but humans smell really good and taste even better to them so most just go after humans and over eat. They only NEED to eat after three weeks to a month. When they eat for necessity and the meat is raw, they can actually take energy from it and keep it in their stomach to digest it. Oh, and Eren is pretty intelligent and has already learned some of the humans language from before.



The day had been uneventful. The storm, unexpected but not new. What was new, however, was the short human who sat under a tree not fifteen paces from the entrance to my cave. The human was safe, no titan entered my territory anymore, though it would have survived anyways. This human wore the cloak. Which means that this human fights.

Which also means I should be happy for choosing today to be the day I stay in human form.

The human was short in stature, even for my human form, and had short black hair ending in a perfect cut by its ears with the bottom shaved off. It leaned heavily against the trunk of the tree, letting its head fall backwards with its eyes closed. Its legs stretched out before it, covered in(what were they again? Boots? Yeah, boots) long boots and light colored pants. The cloak hung from its tiny, yet broad, shoulders and hid its upper body from view.

It was beautiful. The soft light of the afternoon sun glinting off its equipment and face, illuminating its features. Perhaps it is male? It looks soft, fragile in the way it rested on the grass. From my hiding place behind a thick tree I tilt my head to the side, observing the fascinating figure with a warm flush on my face. I shuffled my feet, wanting to get closer, and a twig snapped under my foot. Almost immediately the humans eyes snapped open and it was on its feet, scanning the surrounding area. Its hands grazed against its equipment, preparing for a fight.

What do I do now?

I don't want to leave. I want to stay and watch it, but if I do, it might attack me.

The human was moving now, stalking quietly closer to me and I realized that my decision didn't matter anymore because it would see me even if I did run away. Cautiously, I lifted my hand, slipping it into the sunny clearing in a gesture of surrender. The human froze.

"I..." My voice was grating and hurt with under use but I was determined to show that this human had no reason to be on guard.

"I won't...h-hurt..."

The human pulled their weapon.

"Show yourself. Who are you?"

I slowly crept into the clearing, thinking about how to answer the question. Did it want to know if I am human? What did it mean?

"I...human." I reply, slightly confused. Its face crumpled in displeasure and it slammed me against a tree.

"That's obvious, brat." It growled. "Who are you? What's your name? Why are you here?"

I crinkled my nose in confusion. Name? "...name?" It huffs and nods. I stay silent, still not sure what a name is. The human growled, practically spitting when it explained.

"A name you little shit. What you call yourself. What others call you. Are you fucking retarded?"

I stare at it blankly. I didn't understand some of the things it said but I'm sure I know what it was asking. Now that I think about it, the other humans had asked about a name too. "No name. Live...I li-live...here." It brings its weapon closer to me, its face frozen in a look of disbelief and boredom.

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