Life With You (Part 6)

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Hey, hey guys! We're on the 4th year! Just another two years and the walls will fall! (Why the fuck did I do this?) I'm so happy. Almost done the arc! The plot will move faster again! I guesstimated the amount of years Levi had been in the survey corps before the walls fell, I came up with six so I'm sticking to it. Bear with me! I recently started watching Shameless (US) and got addicted to Ian x Mickey instantly. Season 5 finale fucked me up as well as the first episode of season 6. Just thinking about it makes me want to strangle the writers and it kills me that I can't do anything so I just trolled the fandom for the show and now I'm sad. Sorry about not updating on this site, I forgot about it because of Ian and Mickey but those who know what I'm talking about know my pain ;_; I'll be posting the chapters more frequently on Wattpad now.


Shado on'nanoko.


~A year later~

My new boots clacked against the stone floor as I stumbled behind Levi, trying to keep out of sight and unheard.

Obviously, I was failing at it.

Levi had long given up on trying to make me quiet while sneaking around HQ. My clumsiness would be our down fall was what he said, and there's nothing we could do about it.

Levi stalked ahead of me, shoulders pulled back, spine straight and head held high. He oozed a bit of smugness that told me something was happening and I didn't know if I would like it. The last time he was like this I had just finished flipping me on my head.

We kept walking, no one in sight as we navigated the hallways. Lunch was a very useful part of the day that we always used to its fullest.

Light shone through the little windows to our left and I was suddenly distracted by a noise just below. I sidled up to the window and peeked out at the green grass and a small group of humans who were laughing and playing with each other rather fiercely. Levi slid in beside me and followed my gaze. He hummed quietly but didn't make a move to name them.

Levi didn't usually remember peoples names. Too boring I guess.

I followed him again, frowning a bit this time, and spoke up as we were passing his room.

"Uh, Levi?" I started. He stopped and glanced back. "This is your room, right?" I asked, gesturing to the door. He continued to stare at me and I had to fight the urge to fidget. Finally, he looked away, facing forwards again, "Come along, Eren."

A few awkward minutes later, we found ourselves in front of a door that I noticed was a little nicer than the rest. Levi didn't even hesitate in opening the door to stride inside while I, on the other hand, shifted from foot to foot in the doorway.

"Levi, are we allowed to be in here?" Levi scoffed. "If I wasn't allowed into my own room, where would I sleep?" He questioned sarcastically. I stared at him dumbly.


Levi sighed. "Those people you saw outside, they're candidates for my squad that Erwin suggested. I, personally, don't think they have what it takes." Was all he said. I was still confused.

Suddenly, Levis' stone face cracked and a brilliant smile broke free.

"Eren," He whispered. "I did it. You're looking at the newly appointed Captain Levi."

I stared at him.




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