Life With You (Part 4)

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~ A year later ~

I whooped loudly as I felt the wind whipped by my face, my hair shooting out behind me in brown tangled streaks. Looking around, I saw the world blur as we raced through the trees, practically flying. Smiling widely, I clung to his shoulders, pressing as close as I could to the soothing warmth and reassuring sturdiness that is Levi. I heard him chuckle, followed by playful insults. He outright laughed at my audible pout.

He maneuvered us easily back to the cave and still managed to land gracefully even while carrying me on his back. "That was great!" I squealed as I slid off him. "We should do that again sometimes." He hummed, pretending to think on it while he pulled me into a kiss. His mouth moved on mine and, just like he taught me, I opened my own to welcome him.

This type of kiss had been a surprise when it first happened a while ago. I nearly fell over from shock when I felt his tongue brush over my lips. He then explained, told me how to do it and proceeded to give me the greatest kiss of my life(but then again, I've never really kissed anyone else so...). It shocked me but it doesn't mean I hate it, I love it in fact. Proof of this statement came in the form of a low whine as Levi nipped at my lower lip, tugging and sucking on the piece of flesh like it was something delicious. I smoothed my hands up his chest, over his shoulders and into his hair, pulling him closer than before. We parted for a breathless moment, observing the others completely disheveled appearance before rushing back in with a need I could only compare to a titans need for flesh. Levi wrapped his arms tight around me, slowly walking me backwards until my back brushed up against what I could only guess to be a tree.

His kisses started to miss their mark as they slowly inched towards my neck, teeth nipping at my pulse. I gasped as he bit a little too close to my nape for comfort. "No..." I breathed. "N-not there!" The urgency in my tone alerted Levi that this might not be the best idea. He pulled back immediately, searching my eyes for something, anything that might give him a clue as to what to do. "What's wrong?" He asked, breath coming out in little puffs and cheeks just the vaguest tint of red.

I shuddered in a breath, forcing myself to calm down because this was Levi damn it! He wouldn't hurt me, he's proven that more than enough over the years. He loves me and I love him and-fuck those blades were sharp.

My eyes were drawn unbidden to the gear hanging by Levi's waist and the blades that they housed. Why did this still bother me? Levi would never hurt me!

If you're so sure, why not tell him? Tell him what you are.

I cringed.

The thought had been popping up a lot lately and, though I disliked it, the answer was always the same. No, I can't, because no matter how much he loves me, even Levi wouldn't be able to love a monster like me.

"Eren?" He repeated, using his hand to force my head and eyes upwards to look at him. I suppressed a shiver at the concerned look in his eyes.

Not for me, not for the real me.

"I'm fine." I wheezed, "Just...don't touch my neck too much, it's very...uh...sensitive?" It really wasn't all that convincing and I could tell Levi didn't believe a word but he backed off anyways. "Sorry." I mumbled but he just waved it off with his usual scoff and dull expression. I mourned the pleasant mood that had been there just moments ago, now unable to be salvaged. I shuffled my feet awkwardly, wondering what to do next and sighed in relief when Levi took charge and announced that a bath was in order after all that exercise.

We started towards the cave when he punched me in the arm in what I can only guess was an attempt to diffuse the tension. I yelped, cradling the wounded limb against my chest and staring wide eyed at my ass of a boyfriend.

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