The Silk Weaver (Part 6)

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Hello again, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented and voted, they're such wonderful comments and I love you all. I posted a new picture on my tumblr that goes with this chapter so if you want to see it, it's on Damn Fic-art and I'm secretlynuttytyrant. If you do want to see the image, read the chapter first. Please tell me what you think about this chapter! Love you all


Shado on'nanoko.



The weeks had passed slowly, like a cautious child would peel off a band-aid. Pinpricks of pain sprouting up every once in a while. They would return to the pond every now and then to refill their canteens and extra jugs but continued to move around so titans were less likely to find them. Levi had managed to keep what was left of the group alive, aided by the lack of titans on their travels.

The number of titans seemed to be dropping, though it would usually be something to celebrate, Levi wasn't so sure. If the reason for the decrease in titans was that fighting titan, who said it would stop at just titans? With the amount of gas he had left, Levi didn't believe he would be able to take the insane titan on without being severely injured or killed. He just hoped that they wouldn't run into the berserker anytime soon.

The five months had run out and the squad started the trek back to the Rose gate, hurrying for the fear that it would close with them on the wrong side. At the mention of the possibility Levi felt rage boil in the pit of his stomach. If the shits on the wall thought it was a good idea to lock their strongest soldier and his squad out, they had another thing coming. Levi would scale the wall and punch the lights out of anyone who got in his way of opening the gate for his squad.

Red flitted from the front of the group to the back, offering water and food to the older soldiers, taking any burden they were carrying from them so they could rest a bit. Levi could hear her telling one of her fantastical stories, entertaining the young and the old and distracting everyone from their worries. They'd just reached the chapel they'd stayed in, the well loved walls now caved in, when one of the younger ones spoke up.

"Mrs Ral?"

Red turned to face him, smiling sweetly and setting her pace to match his.

"I...well, I've thought for a while. Wasn't it only those who came from Maria and Shiganshina that were told to go on this expedition? Why are you and Captain Levi here?"

Patricia threw a glance to the front of the group where Levi hadn't reacted. She figured he hadn't heard.

"Well, when the announcement went out, I was volunteering with the food stands and, when the MP came to take away this sweet old grandma that'd visit me everyday, I told them that I'd go in her place"

Grumbled protests and yelps of why she would do that, she could have been free, she had a choice unlike them. Patricia just waved their comments away, looking up at the greying sky, eyes hazing.

"I don't know why I did it, it just felt like the right thing to do. I didn't even have time to tell my family." No one spoke, only the shuffling of their boots against the worn stone of the road was heard. She seemed to realize that she'd brought everybody down and set about fixing it. Not even one word left her mouth when Levi's voice drifted back to them.

"I joined to make sure those fucking idiots at the top don't get their way. They wanted most, if not everyone to die on this mission, so I'm gonna make sure that doesn't happen"

The reason was blunt and cruel and it made Patricia scowl. Those who were the victims of the higher ups plan frowned, their hope sinking. If Levi, humanities strongest only wanted to save them because of his hatred towards the government and the king, then it was more likely that they'd die. It's hard to do anything fully with a weak resolve.

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