Life With You (Part 8)

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Kekekekekeeeeee ;) I was so excited about this chapter I had to post it! Finally, not only does the plot move forwards but I finally get to write the pain! Anyways, please review and tell me what you think! I really wanna see how you guys take him.


Shado on'nanoko.


I stared at the titan, my face frozen in a serious scowl.

Recently...actually, for a while now, more and more titans keep wandering into my territory which had never happened before. All lower class titans knew to stay away from the higher class territories. Though they don't have a solid thought process they ha always seemed to sense where it began and whether or not they could go in. But didn't make sense.

I heard a shout, looking down I saw Levi waving, gesturing for me to come down. I swung off the branch, wasting no time with fancy maneuvers and simply relishing in the way my long brown hair whipped around my face.

"You're getting better." He mumbled the moment I landed. "You might even be better than most of the Scouts." I beamed at the praise, punching him in the arm when he snorted at my goofy grin. "Well," I mused, "I probably get a lot more practice with titans than they do. Not to mention I had a great teacher." I could practically see Levi's ego growing as he smirked at nothing. This time I was the one who snorted and got hit.

I caught his hand as he was pulling back and twined our fingers together, sighing contently as I let my worries slip away for another moment.

Sadly they couldn't stay away.

Levi squeezed my hand and pulled me close. I rested my head on his, breathing in deeply, basking in my angels unique scent.

"I think it's time I took you to the walls."

Suddenly all the air in me rushed out at once and I was left gasping and confused.

"What?" I almost gasped, trying to push my way out of the hug so I could see his face and figure out how he had come to such a decision. I remember his saying that he would take me there one day but that was such a long time ago I had thought he had forgotten, why now?


Levi sighed, "Eren, come o-" "No, I can't Levi!"

Fuck, I wasn't ready. I couldn't do this. Being around Levi was alright, I had gotten used to used to his scent and since it was only him, I wasn't overwhelmed but...there were so many people inside the walls. How would I get food? Would I be too overwhelmed by the scent of humans that I'd loose control?

My breathing was heavy and ragged, a wheezy sort of whistle screeching out with every breath. Levi heard and immediately pulled back. "Eren? Are you alright?" He asked. My vision was growing fuzzy and for a second I was jolted with a new strike of fear. What was happening? Was I changing? In front of Levi?

My head snapped back and the forwards again. The haze cleared and I could clearly see Levi's face in all of its worry-lined glory. He searched my eyes for something and sighed when he found it. Slowly he lowered me to the ground, rubbing my back comfortingly as I calmed down.

"Wh-why now?" I asked, still a little out of breath. Levi looked at me and, deeming that I was ready to keep talking about this, continued. "There's been way more titans showing up here these past few months than usual." I stiffened, so he had noticed too. Damn. I have a feeling I know where this' going. "And," he continued, "this place might not be a safe as it once was so..." He trailed of, maybe not willing to finish the sentence in fear that I might fall into another panic. I knew what he was going to say though. It was a good idea in his mind and, if I was anyone else, I would agree with it, but... "But-" "Don't try excuses like you don't know how to act around people, don't know how things work in the walls or shit like that. The past couple of years I've taught you a whole bunch of shit that you can use to live in the walls, not to mention, you won't be alone the whole time."

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