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AN: ugh I'm so sorry for blandness and being stupid. I hope you find some way to enjoy this and I hope you comment. I'll see you all next chapter.


It was only a glimpse but I was certain I saw her. The clingy little girl always following Eren around. Wherever she was , naturally he would be there too which meant they hadn't listened to my fucking orders. I shot off already knowing from both the noise and the destruction that the Female had moved that way, towards Eren.

That fucking bitch.

I landed on a branch and watched the idiocy that was Mikasa attacking the strongest titan the survey Corps has come across since the Berserker. I flew to her side, grabbing her round the waist and tugging her away. She struggled, kicking and clawing at me, growling out sounds that barely sounded human. She was practically rabid, foaming at the mouth.

"Get yourself together!"

She'd never been like this before. The greatest amount of emotion I'd ever seen her express was the mild annoyance that rose whenever she was around her fellow cadets. She reached out, her arm waving frantically in the direction of the abnormal.


My stomach sank.

Glancing over my shoulder I could just barely see the brown smudge pinched between the titans' fingers. All my breath escaped me at once and my body fell slack long enough to nearly collide with the trunk of a tree. Mikasa broke free, swinging away quickly and charging, eyes wild with fury and vengeance. I was tempted to join her but diving in blinded by emotion was the first thing basic training tells you not to do. I took a breath.




I caught up to her quickly, yelling out instructions. She howled when I told her not to kill it. I snapped back that the titans' death wasn't the priority at the moment.

What mattered was Eren.

We swung together. A raging storm filled with shrieking winds and twisting tornadoes. Our blades shone like lightning and struck, the beasts' bellows following like thunder. We slashed and tore through ligament and muscle alike until finally the hand fell limp.

Eren fell.

I couldn't reach him, too busy dealing with the struggling bitch who had dared to try and take my Eren away. I watched out of the corner of my eye how his hair, though matted it was, whipped with the wind as he plummeted to the earth.

Mikasa caught him and I could breath again.

She didn't wait for my signal, already hauling him away, determined to keep him safe. I was left to incapacitate, to buy them time. Looking at the giant beneath my feet who had slaughtered too many and was willing to kill more, I didn't think it'd be too hard.



"Do you know?"

She stood pressed against the door, listening. The expedition was over, the few carts that had managed to survive had just moments ago rode into HQ, weighed down by the heavy burden of all the bodies they bore. Even though the carts were filled, barely making room for the injured, the death count was even greater than it appeared. The skin around my eyes creased as I squeezed them shut, wishing that I could forget the bright splatters against the dark colours of the forest floor. I forced my eyes open.

"Know what?"

I brushed very real dirt off my pants, picking at a spot that seemed just a shade too red to be anything but-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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