The Silk Weaver (Part 7)

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Patricia is the mother of Petra, she's not Petra with a different name. Just to clear things up. This chapter is a little dark so watch out. It'll get happier...I hope. I'm also trying to figure out if I'm going to do a little bit of Petra bashing(from Eren's pov because he'll be all like "get the fuck away from my Levi") or if I'm just going to leave her be. Tell me what you think in a review please! Also, people have been wondering when Levi and Eren will meet again and I'm sorry to say that it'll be a while before that happens. I want to develop other characters before reconnecting them again so I can have both of their lives/families that they've built away from each other clash. Hope you enjoy and please review! I love hearing from you all!


Shado on'nanoko.



The crowd writhed around me, jostling and shoving me over and over until I was spat out like cooked meat. Frustration shuddered through me and anger shot up my spine.

I was so close!

I was — he was there, right there!

He could've seen me, would've!


A growl erupted from me, low and feral. Those who were smart enough inched away while others remained gloriously oblivious to my anger and to how easy it would be for me to release it upon them, beat them black and blue for getting in the way.

I'd been so close, a few horse lengths behind Levi when I was pulled aside and shoved into the crowd with a hoarse whisper that I 'shouldn't be pretending to be one of those Scouts, a youngen like you' breathed into me ear. Perhaps it was because I wasn't in a Scout uniform but who the fuck cares when Levi was so close! I almost broke their hand that sat on my shoulder, kneading the muscles there in a gesture that might have been supposed to comfort and sooth, persuade, but only managed to throw wood on the fire.

I'd wrenched my shoulder from their grasp and swam through the bodies, the scent of so many humans in such close quarters threatening to cloud my senses but I shook my head and pushed on. I'd called out to him, ignoring the annoyed looks and sharp words thrown at me for trying to 'kiss up to the strongest'. I saw him turn, search and I opened my mouth again to guide his eyes to me but the crowd swallowed me up in its shift to follow the slow train of survivors.

I tried to catch up, tried to push my way through the throng of people but I couldn't break through without actually breaking them. When I saw the gate to Rose shudder open and slam closed with me on the wrong side again, I let go.

I stumbled away from the crowds yelling both hate and praise at the gate, as if the soldiers could hear them from the other side. Everything was foreign and I couldn't stop the shuddering that took over. I'd seen bits of the things that made up a city from a high vantage point but never fully formed and never with so many people. My breaths quickened and I found myself leaning heavily against the side of a small hut, my chest rising and falling faster and faster with every second.

I was here, alone, a monster tossed in with the cattle—

No, Humans!

They're just like Levi, and they can be befriended. If I stayed with the right pack I might be able to find Levi or at least get through that fucking gate.

I inhaled deeply, held it, and then let it out slow. I needed to stay calm, freaking out would only lead to mistakes and terrible situations. Nodding to myself I pushed off from the hut and shuffled down the finely shapes stones that made up the street.

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