Part 3: Come Over?

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//Song Of The Day: Christina Grimmie - Without Him //

The song of the day is a song written and sung by Christina Grimmie. So the song of the day today is  In Loving Memory to her, her Brother and Family and any one of her fans in Orlando who witnessed her tragic death. If you listen to her music, then may she be in your hearts for a long time and never be forgotten about

On With The Story......

//Matt's POV//

"Do you wanna come over? You know to my place...?" I was nervous to ask him over I mean we barely just met. but something was bugging him by how he just tensed up in my arms. I wanted to be friends with Eli but some part of me is scared he'll act like my brother did. Try to kick me out of his life and everyone around them agreeing with him.

"" i heard him respond. Truth I wanted to just hang out with him but I could tell by the way he kept stuttering and squeezing his cane until his knuckles turned white, that he was nervous or anxious.

"I just want to get to know you I guess. I mean we're going to be in the same class so why not get to know each other?" I replied. he opened his mouth but nothing came out. So in defeat i said "It's okay if you don't want to, I get it, I just thought it would be cool to get to know you."

//Elliott's POV//

"what m-makes you-u think I d-don't want t-to?" why did I say that. I didn't want to get close to this boy. Hell I didn't even know him. I couldn't get close to him but at the same time I wanted to...ugh damn you feelings....

"I can tell by your shaking and stuttering that your nervous. plus you kept griping your cane when I asked you. I watch a lot of Sherlock so I looked for hints. It's okay if you don't want to, the last thing I want to do is push or force you into doing something you wouldn't want to.." he sounded so sad and disappointed, I wish I could see him, but my surgery in in a couple months so I'll just have to wait until then, if i don't move away soon...

Ugh fuck it, I need a friend right now

"I'd love to come o-over. But on one condition.." I decided to just copy-cat him


"Can we watch Sherlock, It's one of my f-favorites" he giggled at my response, and in my opinion, he has a cute giggle

"Sure! Uh.... should take you to the Frond Desk so you can get your stuff"
"A-alright" and again I mentally face palming myself for stuttering

As we walk down the halls and Matt almost tripping on an empty bag of chips, I got to just know Him a little more. Matt told me that the library had a section full or at least half full of books in Braille. I guess he must of noticed my smile cause he laughed and hugged me and my cheeks burnt up. That was the last happy moment we had until...

"Hey Samuels, watcha doing with the new-kid. Is he your new fuck-buddy!" I froze. Oh no. I know that type of voice. I've heard it all my life....


"Shut up Adam, i'm just showing him around. Why don't you and your dick-head group of friends fuck off!" I didn't turn around. I was paralyzed in fear, I couldn't turn to see even if I wanted to. The air felt stiff and soon I felt an arm brush against mine, which made me blush, and something move behind me. The cold air coming from the vents was going every other direction besides my back, so someone was blocking me. I felt my anxiety come back, I tried to hold in the panic as much as I possibly could. But I was too scared, but the fear of those boys, and Matt seeing me in my panicked state was stronger. So I resisted it and just let this whole scene play out

"Really Samuels, You fighting back, I thought a little faggot like you couldn't even take a punch. Well not after the last time" I heard small snickers from behind me. Matt grabbed my forearm and started walking the other way. I thought we were far from them but I was wrong. Because seconds later I heard from a distance

"Hey Samuels. better make sure we don't catch you and your little boyfriend like we did last time."

I don't know hat that was but i do know that whatever it was made Matt upset. He kept gripping my arm and pulling it, causing me pain. "'re h-h-hurting m-m-me.." we stopped and he let go of my arm I felt the cool air from the vents hit my face so I know he turned around. "I'm sorry. I just got angry and what they said-It just-I'm-I'm sorry." he sounded sad again so I soon felt around for his arms and when I eventually found them, I pulled him closer and put his head on my shoulder and started rubbing my hand down his back. trying to comfort him. I guess it worked cause he hugged back and I heard him whimper in my shoulder and I felt it getting wet.

"You don't owe me an explanation to why you got mad, just know you can tell me whenever you feel comfortable to."

he didn't say anything else. He didn't need to. I knew how he felt. So we just stood there for a while, Matt crying into my shoulder and me comforting him and breathing in his scent. He smelled like Cinnamon and Berries, it must be his shampoo. Damn I just barely met Matthew but I already feel myself falling for him. Hard. But I can't, not after the last time.

I can't fall in love with Matt. For my own protection.

A few minutes later he let go and took me to the Front Desk to get my supplies. My schedule and books were all in Braille so that I could understand them. Will and I started walking, but our next class wasn't for another 20 minutes so Will just took me to my locker and then we sat down on a little bench outside for the rest of the period. we sat in silence, but then out of the blue Will asked me what my classes were.

" Um..I have Chem, Advanced-Algebra, History, Gym, Free Period, Literature, and Art. All in that order.."

"Oh My God! Eli we have almost every class together! we except for Advanced-Algebra and Art. I have Drama and Maths. But in every other class you're with me! Isn't that great" I couldn't help but smile at his reaction. It was just so cute.

Then the bell rang.

"Dammit. My next class is drama and yours is Algebra. We won't be able to talk for an hour." I shrugged and got up, with the help of Matt of course. We walked back into the school stopping by mine and Matt's locker to grab our books and any other supplies I needed for my next class. Matt walked me to class and told the teacher, Mrs. Lee apparently, that I was new. I didn't hear him say anything about being blind, but the whispers and snickers i heard from the left side of the class told me he didn't need to. I t was obvious I couldn't see. but that's not what bothers me, what bothers me is the fact that Matthew won't be here to defend me from people talking about my disability.

"I have to go to class, but i'll pick you up after for history okay?"

"Alright. Thank you Matt" and with that I heard the door close and someone lead me to an empty chair. The lesson started but my mind wandered around until it found it's way to a wormhole. But what was different from this wormhole was that it wasn't filled with the pains and aches of the bruises I was given at my last school or the cruel words my 'friends' would call me.

A/N It wasn't that long that i updated but it's almost 1am and i can't sleep and i felt inspired so i decided to update tonight. I'll update in a week or so. Be happy i wrote this, it was origionally gonna be 500 words but i made it into a 1,500 word update while having a headache. so

Adios Amigos...(I have no idea what that was) BYE!!!!!

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