Part 12: Remebering Jonah

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Song of The Day: Gnash ft Olivia O'Brien - I Hate You I Love You


//Matt's POV//

I woke up with my arms wrapped around the torso of the most beautiful and radiant boy I have ever seen. Even with bandages in his eyes Elliott is still the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

The doctors let Elliott leave the hospital yesterday afternoon after being in the hospital for 2 days. Well not really, I begged them to let him leave, they all said it was fine but that we had to come back to the hospital in 4 days to take the bandages, and that he couldn't leave the house until then. He agreed and we went home. Right now we're on Elliott's bed, our legs tangled together, he's sound asleep and I'm wide awake watching his beautiful facas little snores escape his mouth.

God, I love this boy so much

I move my head so that its tucked in the crook of his neck. It's surprisingly comfortable, but then again anything with Eli is comfortable. I feel him shift in my arms, I look up to see Elliott's eyes staring back at me lazily. I mutter out a quiet chuckle and lean up to kiss his lips. We both smile into it. Once we separate I kiss his forehead

"Hey" he yawned and closed his eyes again

"Well good morning sleepyhead. How ya feeling?"

I asked "Good. Better than yesterday" my eyes saddened when I remembered what those nightmares did to him yesterday evening "I'm sorry" I said looking up at the celling "For what?" he asked, his head buried in my hair "For what happened to you... I hate those guys. I just want to beat their asses up for doing what they did to you" he tightened his grip around my neck and kissed my hair "I know babe, but it happened and soon I'll be able to see again. I just want to move on and forget it ever happened and with you by my side, I know that I can. I know you'll protect me from those monsters." I stared at him and kissed his chin and grabbed his hand "Damn straight I will" he laughed so hard he almost fell of the bed "Careful Eli. Don't laugh yourself to death" he looked at me as if I had a mushroom growing on the top of my head "How on the planet of Earth can you die of laughing" I just face him and say "A Sim can die of laughing ya know. for all we know humans can too" I said. He gave a confused face "You're weird.." I frowned. I felt him kiss my cheek "I like weird" I giggled and kissed him

"So about yesterday... When you said you wanted to... you know... have sex with me... umm... Did you mean it?" his cheeks turned into a rosy color and looked at our intertwined hands "I... I don't know. I've never been with anyone like that after what happened. I mean I've had boyfriends and one sorta girlfriend after Kai but I always got scared that when we did it... that person would leave, that they only wanted me for sex. A fuck and run. I don't want to be that to anyone, especially you..."

I move my body up so it's resting against the head board and moved his body to my lap so that he was straddling me. I hug him. The both of us have our heads in the others neck crook. I kissed his neck and moved back so that my head was resting against the wall behind me. I looked into his eyes and said

"You know I'll never use you like that. I'll admit this won't be my first time. I gave my heart to someone 2 years ago, before we met. His name was Jonah Morris, we were 16 and I loved him. It was both our first times. him and were friends since 7th grade and we'd been together since 9th grade. We did everything together, he even got me a promise ring after we had our first time, it was a small ring with a ruby red heart in the middle"

"Why are you telling me this? If you're still in love with this guy then tell me before we get more attached" he was about to move but I held on to his waist and hand. He forced himself off of my grip and stood up by the bed. Eye brows furrowed, frown and anger covering his features.

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