Chapter Sixteen

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Emma's POV

"Ma you hear that tunder? I hear that tunder.. you hear that tunder, Ma?" John glanced around the living room, his expression frightened. He was sitting cross legged on the couch, a blanket wrapped around his tiny body, and every time we heard a clap of thunder, he would hide face underneath it. Like many children, my son had a fear of storms.

"I hear it, Sweetie. Wanna sit in Mommy's lap?" I was sitting next to him, reading a Nora Roberts book. He nodded his head and quickly climbed into my lap, snuggling against me.

It was the Friday evening after the cook out at Kade's. I still hadn't told him about John being Jace's son. I know, I'm a wimp. I was working on building up the courage to tell him. If I didn't do it soon, then I never would. I glanced down at my phone, it was a little after eight, chances were that he was already on his way to my house. He had called a little while earlier to say that he was working late, but that he would come over whenever he got off. Tonight, I'll tell him tonight. I chanted to myself.

John was lying on my chest, watching the tv through tired eyes as the storm continued to rage outside, when Kade finally arrived. He stepped through the front door soaking wet from the rain. I jumped up at the sight of him and laid John on the couch, rushing to get Kade a towel and some dry clothes. "Don't you dare move!" I warned him. I heard him chuckle, but he obeyed my orders.

Once he was in dry clothes, he joined John and I in the living room. He scooped John up into his arms and tossed him in the air. But instead of laughing like he usually did, John started crying, "Kay down, Kay down." Kade gave me a quizzical look as he placed the baby back on the couch and John once again covered himself with the blanket.

"He's scared of storms." I explained, as we heard another roll of thunder. John's eyes went wide as he turned to look up at me.

"You hear that tunder Ma?" His face was white as he gripped the blanket tightly.

"I hear it... but it's time for bed, baby." I looked down at the little boy, he shook his head no. He didn't like to be left alone whenever the weather was that bad.

"How about we all three go lay in Mommy's bed?" Kade offered, glancing at me to make sure that was okay. I smiled, it was sweet of him to think of that.

John allowed me to pick him up and the three of us went back to my bedroom. I turned on Aladdin and cut the volume down low, I knew that John wouldn't watch it for very long, he was exhausted. He'd been fighting sleep for the past twenty minutes. He laid down in the middle of the bed, with Kade on his right and me on his left. He curled up next to me, his little fingers gripping the fabric of my shirt. I felt my heart ache as I looked at him. He was growing up so fast, in a few more years he wouldn't ever need me to comfort during a storm. I held him close to me as he drifted off, wishing it could be like this always.

"You're a good mom, Emma." Kade observed from the other side of the bed.

I kissed my son's forehead, "I try my best... moments like this hurt my heart, he is growing up so fast."

"Must seem like he was just born yesterday, huh?"

"It does. It's hard to think that my five pound, nine ounce baby is about to turn two in just a few more months." I gently moved John to the middle of the bed and pulled my shirt from his grip. He was sound asleep. "Kade I have something I need to tell you."

His eyebrows furrowed together, "Okay, what?"

"Come with me." I stood and walked back toward the living room. My heart was pounding, I swear I thought it was going to pop out of my chest. My palms were sweating as I stopped in the middle of the living room, I rubbed them against the sides of my pajama pants.

"Em, what's going on, you're worrying me." Kade was standing a few feet away from me. He looked so concerned yet frightened.

"I need to tell you about John's father. I wasn't honest with you before."

"Okay, well do you want to sit down?" He asked me as he sat down on the couch, leaning forward so he could prop his elbows up on his knees. I shook my head no.

"I'd rather stand."

"Em you're scaring me." He stated as he continued to watch me. I let out a shaky breath.

"Do you remember how I told you that John's dad was some guy from school and that he just wasn't ready to be a father?" I licked my lips, trying not to lose my nerve. He nodded apprehensively.

"I lied."

"Look it's okay, you didn't want to talk about it." Kade stood up and took a step towards me.

I held my hand out for him to stop, "Just listen, okay? This is important." He sat back down. "I didn't meet John's dad at college. I didn't even date anyone from there. John's dad is from here... was from here."


"John is Jace's son." I stated simply, as I let out a sigh of relief. I felt the weight of the secret being lifted off of my shoulders, but my relief was short lived. Kade's expression went from shocked, to hurt, to angry and betrayed.

"Please tell me this is a joke." He looked up at me, his eyes pleading.

"It's not." I stared down at the ground.

"How could you keep this a secret, Emma? Do you not understand how big of a deal this is?" He stood up, the anger and hurt evident.

"Kade, let me explain.." I begged, I wiped my eyes, trying to keep the tears at bay.

"What's left to explain? You had my brothers child and you've kept it a secret. Did you even tell him? Did he know?" He demanded, I shook my head no. "How could you do this? Oh God... Rae, your best friend. You slept with your best friend's ex boyfriend." He looked absolutely disgusted with me. Tears started streaming down my face.

"Kade, please listen.."

"I'm done listening. I can't believe this." He stalked toward the door, then he turned back on his heels, "I trusted you." He scoffed, "I was even falling in love with you, but now I can't even look at you."

"Please don't leave like this. You've got to let me explain." I sobbed.

"No I don't." He snapped as he yanked the door open, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to figure out how to tell my parents that their dead child has a son." Then he stalked outside, slamming the door behind him causing the whole house to shake. He left me there, tears pouring down my face and didn't look back. He'd never be able to forgive me for this. I'd just killed whatever love he had felt me for; it was gone.

A/N well now Kade knows the truth, but things are definitely a mess. Do y'all think that things will work out? Or is Kade better off without Emma. Anyone have a guess about what's going to happen? I still have a few more surprises up my sleeve, don't worry.

Comment and vote, I love hearing feedback! Thank you so much for reading. By the way, only two or three more chapters, then the epilogue.

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