27. Rain

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"Daddy, how much furthur do we have to walk?" little Lindsey says

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"Daddy, how much furthur do we have to walk?" little Lindsey says.

"Lindsey, love, I'm the one carrying you and we'll be there in a few minutes," my dad says.

I find myself sitting on my ground with the grass ruinning my white slacks.

I've never really been a girl who fusses over her apprearance, but I don't exactly dress up like a bohemian.

Dad and little Lindsey walk furthur while I stay on the ground for a few more moments.

I hear their voices becoming more and more distant and I decide to finally stand up and follow them.

I suppose that this is another dream of mine. But, it is kind of weird watching my own dream from a third person perspective.

All the dreams I have had till now, usually, are from the first person perspective.

Dad lowers little Lindsey from his back and I also stop walking.

We have reached the top of a hill.

I think that this is the same hill I ran off to after finding out about my maternal grandparents.

This hill is different now.

The trees here look a bit more younger and the flowers here are entirely different from what I saw last time I was here.

Dad sits down with his back against a tree and taps the ground next to him. Little Lindsey shrugs and sits down next to her dad.

Dad folds one of his legs and rests his right arm on it.

Little Lindsey hums to herself and picks up a few flowers.

"Daddy, can you help me make a flower crown with this string?" she asks.

Dad smiles at her and says, "Sure, Phoenix. But, where did you get that string from?"

I don't know why Dad always called me Phoenix as a nickname. I don't even have any red hair. He never answered me when I asked him that. He only said,
"You'll understand when you grow up. It's mythology stuff."

Mum was a flower lover and Dad was a Greek mythology one.

Little Lindsey looks at the string and says,
"I took it from Dylan's shoe at home and then I took out the a-ag..."

"Aglet?" Dad says.

"Aglet from his shoelace," she finishes

Dad smiles again at her and asks,
"Eso no es muy agradable, Fénix"

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