Chapter 3

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Containment didn't suit Dottie Underwood; she always found a way out. So a truce was formed: she was to help them find Jack's killer.
Having a trained spy and assassin on your side was a great advantage.

The murder weapon sat on Chief Sousa's desk in a plastic bag, but there was no way to trace the owner. It was unregistered, and there were no fingerprints, so the killer must have worn gloves. Jack's suitcase also in the corner of the office, but he hadn't gone through it yet. From the looks of it, it was just clothes.

Peggy opened her desk drawer for the first time in ages. There were discarded tubes of lipstick, meal receipts, and a picture of Captain Steve Rogers. She slid it under a folder, knowing that she needn't be distracted. Had he still been alive, he would have graciously helped them find the person who murdered Jack.

She returned home to the Griffith for the first time since she went to L.A. to assist Chief Sousa, and Angie met her at the door, greeting her with a hug. "Oh, English, we have so much to catch up on," she said, and continued to talk Peggy's ear off for the rest of the night.

Daniel went home to his old New York apartment. Since he had broken his engagement to Violet, everything seemed so lonely. The loneliness came with a sense of freedom, though, and things haven't been the same with Peggy ever since. There was no denying that they loved each other, except both of them were too dedicated to their jobs to admit how much they cared for one another. If it wasn't for his duty to his country, Daniel would have already asked her out. Or perhaps made their relationship official.

They had this sort of thing that didn't have a label. There was no scandal, just stolen glances at each other and the occasional kiss in Daniel's office. If things would ever calm down at the Strategic Scientific Reserve, maybe they could settle on common ground on their relationship.

Peggy wouldn't admit it, but she was still in love, tragically. She never mentioned him, but everyone knew how heartbroken she still was over the loss of Captain America. After he died, and the last traces of him were destroyed, she rarely opened herself up to anyone. Anyone besides Jason Wilkes, who Daniel had grown so jealous of during their Zero Matter investigation. However, things changed somehow, and the two of them expressed their feelings in Chief Sousa's office.

Daniel thought these thoughts were very inappropriate to be thinking during a serious investigation, especially one that had to do with the death of one of their own. None of them knew where to start. There was one piece of evidence, and it was a dud. So many people wanted Jack Thompson dead, it was hard telling who could have issued the fatal blow.

Turning out the lights, Daniel decided to sleep on it, and hopefully come up with something by morning.

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