Chapter 10

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No one heard from the Howling Commandos for weeks. Things were moving slowly at the S.S.R., and Peggy was still reluctant to take her role as New York chief. Dottie, however, was now working at a diner down the street. Peggy told her it would help in the investigation, but really she just wanted Dottie to have some time away from all of the drama.

Daniel was spending more time out of his office and in Peggy's, but tried not to annoy her. They were just colleagues, after all. Just colleagues. He would take any excuse to visit her, though, even if it would be lying and saying that his phone wasn't working so he needed to use hers. Peggy Carter truly was a heavily fortified piece of art; strong yet empathetic, and beautiful yet intimidating. She guarded herself from any possibly distracting relationship, fully dedicated to her work. She was an utterly complex woman, but all of the best women are. Daniel desired complexity, but he wouldn't dare tell her that. She had enough on her plate. Besides, she was still pining for someone. Someone far greater than Daniel Sousa. She still loved a symbol of patriotism, America's golden boy. To see her go from Captain America to a crippled veteran would be a definite downgrade.

Agent Carter rifled through the case file, hoping to find something she missed. The Zima Soldat was constantly on Peggy's mind, and she wished she had some sort of evidence to trace him. The Commandos had sent out a radio transmission offering a reward to anyone who had any information leading to the killer, but no tips had came in.

She thought back to the Hydra insignia Kuznetsov had smeared on the floor of the jail cell. Could the Zima Soldat be a prisoner of war, captured by Hydra? Or was he a Nazi sympathizer doing Hydra's bidding? Peg remembered prisoners of war. Thousands of them marching behind Steve after his heroic rescue against Colonel Philips' advisory. She had never felt that much pride before in her life.

The agent's brain wandered to the name Kuznetsov had said in his interrogation: Ivan Somodorov, headmaster of the Red Room. According to Kuznetsov, the Red Room had a significant association with Hydra, especially Zima Soldat. Perhaps the capture and questioning of Somodorov could shed some light on the Soldat's whereabouts and future agenda. Peggy picked up the radio transmitter and made contact with Dugan. "Do everything you can to capture Ivan Somodorov and bring him to the United States. He'll have his Red Room girls backing him up, so be prepared," she explained quickly. Through the static, Dugan said, "Gotcha. Thanks Carter."

The next days ran so slow that it felt like forever until Dugan radioed back to the S.S.R. But, when they finally did hear from him, he was the bearer of good news. "We have Somodorov. Howard is sending us home right now."

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