Chapter 12

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Peggy recapped the pen and took a step back to admire her work. A spider had woven its web across Jarvis' neck, and its beady eyes stared at her. "Don't get that wet," she told him. He looked down at the striped jumpsuit and white canvas shoes. "I look absolutely dreadful," he moaned. Peggy rolled her eyes. "This is only until we can get inside his head, then you can go back to tweed and polyester," she said.

"Do you remember your story?" She asked while handcuffing him. "Yes. I robbed Mr. Stark and took of in one of his planes," Mr. Jarvis explained, just as rehearsed. "Remember, be an actor," Peggy said before walking him into the jail ward. She ruffled his hair up, and the show went on. Turning the key in the lock, Peggy opened the cell door. "There you go, Mr. D'arcy."

Jarvis slumped down on the bench, glaring at her hatefully. From the room beside the ward, Daniel could then tap into the device implanted in Jarvis' shirt. It would pick up everything they said. "What are you in for?" Jarvis said in a fake Southern accent. He looked at Somodorov through his messy hair. "For knowing too much," said Ivan, his Russian accent almost too thick to comprehend. "You?" He then asked. "I robbed Stark Industries and stole a plane," Jarvis said with a light chuckle. He was pulling it off seamlessly. "I heard Mr. Stark talking the night I robbed him. He was talking about a Zima Soldat or something," Jarvis began to pry, "so I assumed that since you're Russian, you might know something about it." His fake drawl was almost too good. Somodorov chuckled, and said, "What's in it for me?" Jarvis leaned forward, and in that fake drawl, said, "I'll help you break out."

Somodorov looked him in the eye, and while there was a moment of silence in the control room, he said, "He's Russia's best assassin. In the past few years he has successfully killed at least a dozen people of importance. I knew the man; we called him Sokolov. It means bird of prey." Jarvis, or should he be called Mr. D'arcy, looked up hopefully with a smirk on his face, saying, "How does a fella go about finding him?"

Somodorov leaned forward, and in a light whisper, said, "There is a base south of Moscow. They keep him there when he's not on a...mission." The way he said it sent a chill down Jarvis' spine, and left a bit of static in the control room. "Who's 'they?'" Jarvis pried. Somodorov, back in a normal volume, laughed evilly and said, "Hydra."

"That's your cue, Carter," Daniel said, and with that, Peggy walked back into the prison ward. "It's time for your questioning, Mr. D'arcy," she said to him, and walked him out of the cement halls with his hands behind his back and handcuffs on his wrists.

Daniel replayed the recording from inside the cell, making notes as he went along. "I guess we're going to Moscow," he finally said, setting everything aside. "I'll call Howard and arrange a flight," Peggy said and picked up the phone. After a few minutes of conversing with Mr. Stark, a flight was arranged and would be at the airport to pick them up at noon.

Peggy rushed home to pack a bag while Daniel resided over the office. He made a call down to the diner to tell Dottie about their plans, and hopefully get her on board. "I'm in," she said, and clocked out of her shift and rushed to the S.S.R. When Peggy returned, the whole gang was there: Agent Carter, Chief Sousa, Howard Stark, Dottie Underwood, and Edwin Jarvis.

"Are you ready to go catch our killer?" Peggy said, and they boarded the plane headed to Moscow, Russia.

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