Chapter 13

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The plane was cramped with four passengers and Howard flying. It was too quiet to be in the vicinity of Howard Stark. There were just awkward, silent stares at each other across the seats. "So what do we do once we find him?" Peggy asked finally. Dottie exhaled, and began explaining. "Surround him. Center your gravity and move in slowly. I'll lead." "What if he has backup?" Daniel said, nervously fondling his crutch. "We have the Commandos to help us," Jarvis interjected.

Howard was still focused on flying; more focused than he had ever been before. "Howard, you're being uncharacteristically nonhyperverbal," Peggy said, wishing for his feedback. His answer was so out of character for a Stark that it seemed like he was no longer himself, "I'll be the getaway car," he said quietly.

The remainder of the flight was silent from nervousness. The plane landed in an open field, where the Howling Commandos were waiting along the tree line. When the comrades stepped out of the aircraft, Dugan, standing in the center, gave them a relaxed salute. Peggy returned the salute with a smile. "The base is just two miles northwest of here. Hop in," Dugan said, motioning to the green army Jeep sitting in the trees. Peggy hopped in the passenger seat, just like old times.

The Jeep rattled to a start and off they were. Some silent minutes and rocky terrain later, they were staring down the face of a Hydra facility.

Dottie scanned the area. Four entrances. Two guards at each. Armed. One annex was probably barracks, the other was probably training, and one was a hangar. The hangar was definitely heavily guarded. "We're going to take out the guards. Peggy and Daniel, west entrance. Mr. Jarvis, you and I will take the east entrance. Dugan, you take two of your men to the north entrance and send the rest to the south," Dottie explained in hushed tones. "Any advice?" Daniel asked. "Don't get killed."

Dottie rounded the corner well before Jarvis, and sweeping her foot under one of the guards, he fell and hit his head on the steel door, knocking him out cold. She took his gun quickly, and shot the other guard. "Silent gun. Nice," she said, holding it in her hand. Jarvis took the identification card from one of the guards and let themselves in.

Peggy peeked around the corner, and in one swift move, kicked her knee straight into the guard's gut. Doubled over in pain, Daniel proceeded to hit him on the back of the head with his crutch, knocking him out cold. All the while Peggy had threw a hard punch at the other guard after ripping his helmet off. He collapsed, comatose. She took his identification, and her and Daniel quietly entered the base.

They met up with Dugan and his Commandos inside the empty training room. "What now?" Daniel said, looking around in paranoia. "Split up. Be aware. Use your radios," Dottie instructed quietly, but sternly. "Peggy, you and Daniel take the barracks. Some of Dugan's guys will go with you," she said, motioning to the surly group of men. "Jarvis and I will scope out the offices," she said, and ducked into a dark corner.

"So do you think we'll catch him?" Daniel said, making conversation to relieve his fears. "Of course we will," Peggy answered insecurely. Her green jumpsuit was wet from the snow, which dripped off of her and caused her combat boots to squeak. She had to tread lightly to avoid being heard. Daniel pressed lightly on his crutch to avoid the tell tale sound that someone was there who wasn't supposed to be. "I thought Hydra was dead. After Captain Rogers crashed his plane, we all thought we were saved," Peggy admitted. Daniel cleared his throat as the ducked into a dimly lit corridor. "Captain Rogers broke me out of a Hydra facility," he finally said. After all these years, he could still barely come to terms with it. Peggy began to see him in a new light, and looked at him with adoration. "That's how I got this," he said, looking down at his crutch, "There was so much chaos. I stood frozen. That's when I got shot." Peggy imagined him marching behind Steve. At the time, all she cared about was Steve's bravery and safety. Now, she saw the bitter truth behind the situation. Avoiding eye contact as she glanced around her surroundings, Peggy said, "I still miss him." It was the first time she had said it aloud, or even mentioned it to anyone. She was still coming to terms with her loss. Although she had only known him for a short period of time, she loved Steve Rogers.

They rounded the corner to see an empty room. Beds, tables, clothes, strewn everywhere. They weaved around the disarray, but there was no sign of Zima Soldat. Just then, Peggy's walkie talkie beeped. "Backup on the floor above you," Dottie's voice whispered.

Daniel and Peggy quickly and quietly rushed up the stairs that led to the next floor, taking out a guard in their wake. Dottie grabbed ahold of Peggy's arm and pulled her into a little nook. "He's in there," she said, pointing to a steel door, "We're going in."

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