Chapter 4

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Agent Carter dropped the Russian gun down onto the table in front of Dottie. It was slightly chilly in the office that day. "Tell me what you know about this gun," she said. Dottie picked it up the gun and thoroughly examined it. Being a Russian herself, and an assassin, she should know something about the lethal weapon. "Bullets are biodegradable, so by the time it's extracted from the body, it's practically useless." Dottie said. "Anything else?" Peggy implored. "It's a fairly new gun. Made in 1947." said Dottie, looking bored. "Is there any way we could track its owner or manufacturer?" asked Peggy. "Well there's some writing on the side. Pейс. It means flight." She stated. Peggy slid her a piece of paper and a pencil. "Write everything down."

Peggy then sent the information to Stark Laboratories to be examined by Dr. Wilkes, hopefully finding something they didn't. The agents at S.S.R., though, worked to uncover the truth behind whatever Pейс meant. In the meantime, Peggy made her way into Chief Sousa's office.

She leaned against a wooden chair, and said, "Any leads?" Daniel shook his head. He was stressed. She could tell by his body language and how unusually quiet he was being. Peggy's heels clacked on the wooden floor as she approached Jack's old suitcase in the corner. She lifted the lid, and rifled through his things. She felt as if she were invading his privacy, and he would come in at any moment and say, "Get out of my stuff, Marge."

She picked a folder out of the case, but then realized it was empty. Why would Jack be carrying around an empty folder. If was definitely an S.S.R. folder, so something belonging to the S.S.R. must have previously been in it. "Did Jack recently take any files?" She asked Daniel. He shrugged his shoulders. "I'll be back," she said, and left.

For hours, Peggy rifled through boxes of files trying to find anything missing or out of place. The Leviathan file still stood, so did that of the Howling Commandos and Captain Rogers, and the file on Zero Matter. Maybe it wasn't a specific case. Maybe it was a person.

She checked the agents' files next, but thus far everything was in place, except for her own. She figured, though, that since hers had been wiped and deleted for the most part, there was no use in it.

She returned to Daniel's office to find him asleep with his head on his desk. She cleared her throat to wake him. "Would there be any reason to keep my S.S.R. file?" Peggy asked. Groggily, he answered, "Of course. It still has vital and confidential information about you in it." She began pacing the floor, propping her elbow up with her other hand and furrowing her eyebrows. "Would Jack have had any reason to have had my file?" She finally wondered aloud. "Possibly," he answered, "He could have been bringing it to New York with him."

They thought for a moment in silence. Peggy was still pacing when she said, "So if he had my file, someone must have taken it." Who would need a blank file for Agent Carter? The wheels were turning as she continued to pace. Daniel sat with his head in his hands, his hair a ruffled black mess.

The amount of stress in the room could almost create a cloud, and things had been strange since returning to New York. With no valuable evidence, it seemed nearly impossible to find whoever killed Jack.

Returning to her desk, she flipped through the stack of pictures she kept there. She didn't dare keeping them at the Griffith, as someone could easily find them, and she would never hear the end of it. Most of them were stolen from files, but others had been sent to her. Some of them were of her and the Howling Commandos, others of Steve before he met his end, and one was a picture that Daniel took of her when they broke into Whitney Frost's house to find out what she had going on in there. "No distractions," she thought to herself, and slid the pictures back inside her desk.

She went home that night well after dark, dressed for bed, and prayed for answers.

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