Chapter 6

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Peggy was up with the sun, and putting on her favorite red hat, she was off to work. The streets of New York City were always bustling, and it gave her a sort of rush to be amongst the swells of people, who all had different agendas.

Upon entering the main office, Peggy noticed that the agents still hadn't found anything on the case. She walked up to her desk, but when she sat down, she realized that all of her stuff had been removed. Confused, she decided to ask Daniel about the situation. "I've come to notice that my things aren't in my desk," she said upon entering his office. "That's because I've decided that the new chief needs her own office," Daniel said. Smiling and shaking her head, Peggy said, "I can't be the chief." There was no arguing with her, as obstinate as she was. "At least take the office and think on it," he said. She accepted, and went to her new dwellings.

She sat down in the swiveling chair, turning it with the toe of her red heels. She thought about the possibilities of directing the New York office, and what it could mean for the S.S.R. and women across the country. Sometimes she thought she did more harm than good, but others didn't seem to think so. There was an increase in female agents since word had gotten around about Agent Carter, and the agency had never been more efficient. Well, aside from now.

She unpacked the box that was sitting on the desk and found new homes for everything. At the bottom of the box was her stack of photographs. She worried that Daniel had been through them, and would see her differently now for keeping pictures of her dead lover. Did he have pictures of Violet? Was he still in love with her?

She tucked the photos neatly inside her desk drawer. For the moment, she would try to forget.

Peggy walked into the main room, where the other agents were hard at work. "Anyone have anything? I'm open to new ideas," she said, but didn't notice Daniel watching her from his office. He was proud. Peggy pointed to the board in the front of the room, which had evidence on it. "We need answers," she said. Dottie sat at a desk in the back, tapping her nails on the hard wood of the desk. "I hate to tell you this, Peg, but it's looking like we'll need to go to Russia," Dottie said. Peggy ignored her, and continued to stand in the front of the room. "I'll be back in an hour," she said, and returned to her office.

Her office. Such a weird thing to say now. She had always hoped for an office of her own, but now that she had one, she didn't know what to do with it. She picked up the phone—her phone— and dialed Howard Stark's phone number. He picked up, and said, "Who is this?" "Your great uncle," Peggy said. "Oh thank God. Peg, Jarvis made this fondue last ni—" Howard started to say. "I need you to get ahold of the Commandos." She asked. "Are we having a family reunion? Am I invited?" Howard said. Peggy rolled her eyes. "We need someone we can trust in Russia. Tell them to report to S.S.R. Main Office tomorrow morning." She said, and hung up before Howard could say anything else about fondue.

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