Chapter 5

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Despite the events in Los Angeles, Ana was as chipper as ever. Whereas Edwin was still a mess. He blames himself everyday for what happened to her, and often thought about how things could have been. He hoped that one day they could consider adoption, seeing as having a child of their own was out of the picture. They would have to ask Mr. Stark, though, since they lived in his house and followed him wherever he asked. To entertain himself, Edwin followed Peggy Carter around like a puppy, catering to her every need. She would try to refuse his help, but he quite enjoyed following the agent around. She made him more than a butler.

Howard was still far from settling down. He had a new woman at the mansion every night, and by morning she was leaving. The couple always hoped he would find someone and settle down, and maybe have some young Starks.

With things in the mansion in tip top shape, Jarvis hoped that another adventure was in their midst. He was growing bored and restless, itching for some action. It was unfortunate that Chief Thompson was dead, but the butler was as prepared as ever for an adventure.

Sitting in Mr. Stark's library turning these thoughts over in his head, Edwin Jarvis wished he could speed up the investigation process. He took a sip of his tea, he returned to his book. A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; the only mystery he was presently invested in. Sometimes he liked to believe that he was Sherlock Holmes, flying under the radar. He did have some things in common with the famous detective, though, as they were both English and had a strange love for all things tweed.

Oh how we wished he could be driving someone around, whether it be to the coffeeshop or halfway across the country to find a deranged serial killer. He wished that more than anything; it would be so much more entertaining than sitting in a dim library reading a book he'd already read a thousand times. He assumed it was late, since there were no windows in the library and Ana was already in bed. He just couldn't seem to find the urge to sleep, though.

Soon, hopefully, his friends would have a lead on Thompson's killer, and he could embark on another grand adventure.

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