Chapter 7

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"Miss Union Jack," Dugan said, "long time no see." He greeted her with a hug that lifted her off the ground. "Now what is this I hear about a Russian vacation?" He asked. Dum Dum Dugan stuck out like a sore thumb in New York City, with his cowhide and various furs, all topped off with a bowler hat. As a matter of fact, New York City was no place for a Howling Commando. The ones that were alive, at least. "It's a mission, Dugan. We need you to trace the origin of this gun," Peggy said, holding the firearm out to him with two hands. He took it from her, lifted it to his eye, and looked down the barrel. He then shifted it between his hands, weighing it. "And if you see anything about Pейс, whatever that is, contact us." She said. "It's nothing we can't handle," Dugan answered, "Right boys?" He was answered by loud yeses and a whistle or two. "You will take off immediately on one of Stark's planes." Peggy said, and making sure that they had a clear understanding of what they were to do, she sent them to the airport.

There would be no resting with so much to get done. No distractions. Dottie wasn't any help. She just sat in her chair, fiddling with her nails. She probably knew something, but she just needed the incentive.

Daniel was far more quiet than usual, and Agent Carter wondered if she had made things difficult between them. They would often join each other for lunch or a coffee break, but they only shared a few words out of the hundreds that needed to be said.

Mr. Jarvis stopped by the agency frequently, checking to see if anyone needed to be driven around. He was itching for an adventure.

Howard was still Howard: flirtatious with any woman in his general vicinity, and as cocky as usual. Deep down somewhere, he wanted to bring justice to Jack Thompson's death.

Later that day, Agent Carter took Dottie into her office. She sat down in one of the chairs while Peggy sat in the other. "That cup of coffee is yours," she said, her British accent making her sound so regal. Dottie took the cup and took a cautious sip of it. "I have some questions for you," Peggy said. Dottie set her cup down and said, "Fire away."

"When you were in Russia, were there any ties to Hydra associated with the Red Room?" She asked. Dottie nodded, "Oh yes of course. They trained us." The agent then replied, "Are they still out there?" "You can't get rid of them," Dottie scoffed, "What was their saying? 'Cut off one head and two more shall take its place?' Your little Captain America couldn't have taken them all out." The way Dottie emphasized 'Captain America' made Peggy's skin crawl, and she looked down at her desk to avoid her icy stare. "Pейс has a certain meaning, doesn't it?" Peggy said once she composed herself. Dottie took a long swig of her coffee. "It was a symbol they used to tell us not to be weak. Fight not flight," she said. "So this person, they would have been associated with the Red Room?" Peggy asked, setting her cup down. "And probably Hydra too." Dottie said. "So how do we find them?" The agent asked. Dottie swiveled in her chair and let out a light laugh, "They don't want to be found."

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