Chapter 11

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Ivan Somodorov looked far too young to be the commander of the Red Room, but despite his youthful appearance, he had a shiny bald head. He was a robust man, with a barbed wire tattoo that wrapped around his neck like a noose. His teeth were a nasty yellow, and he spit when he spoke. The very thought of him made Peggy's stomach turn.

"I've heard all about you, Ivan Somodorov, and it has come to my attention that you may have some information that could he important to the S.S.R." Peggy said to the Russian man. He scoffed, and said in a thick Russian accent, "What does the S.S.R. want with me?" Leaning across the table, Peggy slyly said, "Information on a man. I hear that you call him Zima Soldat." He jangled his handcuffs. "No way," he answered. "Since you won't answer to me, I'll have to bring in our secret weapon," Peggy said. She turned to face the two way mirror and waved her hand, "Come in Miss Underwood."

Dottie looked like she was going to throw up when she saw Somodorov. Again, she interrogated him in Russian, and it seemed to work. She paced in front of the table, hands folded behind her back, occasionally raising her voice to demand an answer. Somodorov complied, and it made the agents wonder how things had been in the Red Room. Did Ivan train his girls so well that he too was afraid of them? Fire shone in Dottie's eyes, as she finally cracked the man who destroyed her childhood. With one last word in Russian, she strutted out of the room. "Well?" Daniel ployed, leaning on his crutch. "He won't talk about the Soldat, but I gave him a stern talking to about everything he put me through," Dottie smirked. Daniel and Peggy both let out an exasperated sigh.


Howard's doorbell rang and Mr. Jarvis ran to answer it. Behind the thick mahogany stood Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, and Dottie Underwood. He embraced Peggy with a hug, which she oddly returned. "I'll go get some hors d'oeuvres," Jarvis said, and happily rushed off to the kitchen. Daniel looked up and around the mansion in amazement, and however he tried to hide it, it was still apparent.

They met Howard in his study, and gave him the notes of the investigation so far. He looked through them, puzzled. After a few minutes, he looked up and said, "So if we can get this Somo...doro...whoever, to tell us where the Zima whatever is, we have our guy." Peggy nodded. "Yes, but he won't talk," she stated. Jarvis came back in with a tray full of various finger sandwiches, cheerfully joining in the conversation. "Did Miss Underwood try her hand at cracking him?" Jarvis asked courteously. Dottie nodded, rolling her eyes. "He won't talk," she said with her mouth full. Howard took a big bite of a sandwich, eating it whole. "Then make him talk," he mumbled with his mouth full.

If they could somehow get Somodorov to talk, they would have a direct line to Zima Soldat. In the quietness of the Stark mansion, the group exchanged looks at each other. It was as if they were waiting for the other to say something. "I'm sure this isn't my place, but would he possibly talk to a double agent?" Mr. Jarvis coyly asked. There was a moment of silence as the group mentally made a decision. Daniel said, after getting visual confirmation from Peggy, "Are you absolutely sure, Mr. Jarvis? This could be dangerous." Jarvis nodded enthusiastically, setting the tray down. "Of course. It gets quite boring from time to time here," he said. "Who's gonna make my Tuesday night fondue then?" Howard interjected. "I will be home in no time, Mr. Stark." Peggy laughed to herself, remembering the times associated with the word "fondue."

Then Daniel, like a true chief, said, "We'll see you Monday, then."

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