Chapter 1: The Origins Of My Obsession

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AN: In this story, the band will not be One Direction, cause as we all know... Without Liam there is no One Direction, and well he isn't in the band in this story. 

Chapter 1: The Origins Of My Obsession 

You're probably wondering how it all began. Well... I guess it started like any other normal persons obsession with Harry Styles.

Who am I kidding? It's not normal to be obsessed with anyone.

But, who said I was normal?

I can answer that, right here, right now. No one. I've always been slightly strange to everyone, and I guess when they found out about this weird... Issue, yeah let's call it an issue.... I have with this boy, they didn't really seem all that surprised. 

Back to the story. 

My obsession started on a hot summer day in June, June 24th if you want to get all technical. I don't know why I had decided to do this, but I thought 

Hey! Let's check out this music video 

And the second the boy in the damn blue checkered shirt showed up.... I was screwed.

The rest of my summer revolved around this boyband, or as some would better know them as Redline. I would watch video, after video, until eventually I ran out of videos to watch. I forced my cousin to watch them with me when she came to visit me. I learned all about them, and it wasn't until school started, that I realized how much this band had affected my life.

It was like they had become my air. 

And that was a major problem.

I didn't want to admit it... I didn't want people to sit there and make fun of me for loving this boyband so much..

Especially being since I was guy. 

Now in the Redline fandom, guy Redliners were basically worshipped, being since we were about as rare as a unicorn. 

But outside it, you were instantly called gay for it.

Not that I really cared, I was gay anyways.

So when high school was over, and I started college, I finally admitted to myself, hiding the love for Redline was kinda foolish.

I stopped hiding, and I couldn't be happier. 

Now, there are times though, that I hate being a part of the fandom. I hate to admit, but really we all can be really cruel if we want to, which would make me ashamed to call myself an Redliner, especially when people were cruel to Harry.

My Harry.

The boy with the curls...

The one I wish I had some sort of shot with. 

I loved Harry, but of course I wasn't really in love with him... I was in love with the thought of him. 

Just the mere mention of his name would make my heart race. I'll admit there wasn't a day that he didn't go through my mind.

The same couldn't be said for me though. He didn't know who I was, no matter how many times I begged him to follow me on Twitter, he never did reply, or actually follow me. Only one of the boys in Redline followed me, and that was Niall. 

I'm not ashamed to admit I screamed like a girl when I got that notification. 

I was still determined to get a Harry follow though. 

It kinda became a part of my morning ritual to sit there and beg him for one....


You probably don't wanna hear about my morning ritual... Well I'm gonna tell you about it anyways, cause well I can.

I wake up at about 8 o'clock every morning, and of course the first thing I grab is my phone. I get on Instagram, scrolling through all the lovely pictures that the Redline accounts I follow post, I then find myself climbing out of bed and walking into my kitchen, that's where I start scrolling through twitter. I'll tweet Harry about five times, sometimes six depending on the day.

I would then get ready for college, leaving my small apartment, walking to school. I would then spend the next six hours trying to pay attention to what the teachers were talking about, but my mind would somehow always find it's way back to Harry. 

When school was over, I would have about an hour before I needed to go to work. So during that hour, I get onto my Wattpad account, answering questions, reading a few fanfictions, and if I had time, start writing the next part to my new story. I would then work for the next four or five hours, and return home at around 11. 

The second I get home, I shower, and get ready for bed. Once I climb into my bed, I get onto my tumblr, and probably stay on that late into the night. 

That's just a daily routine in my life.

And as you can see... It basically revolves around this band.

Some may call it an obsession,

But I call it dedication.

That's a lie.

It's an obsession. 

I have one word of advice for all you new Redliners out there...

Get out while you still can.

And stay away from Harry.

Just kidding.... 

No I'm not.



I really like this story.

I like it a lot.


So for dedications, cause I really wanna start doing that again (I've kind been slacking in that department.) I was wondering if maybe you guys would want to do fanart for the story? I mean if I don't get any, I'll still dedicate it to a random comment, but I think it'd be fun!

Anyways, if you make fanart for the story just send it to this email: 

Moving on!







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