Chapter 18: Forever Is The New Always

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Chapter 18: Forever Is The New Always

"Jaylon! Be careful!" I called out across the playground, shaking my head as Jaylon played on the swings. He'd just jumped off one... In the middle of the air if I add. Harry chuckled next to me, kissing my cheek as he grabbed my hand.

"Calm down Li, he's just being a little boy."

"I don't want him to get hurt Harry! Did you not see that! He could've broken his arm or leg!"

"He's just fine. He's having fun." 

"Well I hope he has fun when we have to rush to the hospital." I grumbled, pulling my hand away from Harry's.

"Babe, you're so overprotective... I find it cute."

"One of us has to be responsible."

"And it's you. Now stop stressing and watch him play." 

"Jaylon Isaiah! Don't do that!" I jumped up, running to the little boy who was now hanging on the monkey bars... Upside down. I could hear Harry break into a fit of laughter, and Jaylon moved so he was sitting upright on the monkey bars now.

"What did I do wrong Papa?" 

"Jay, could you please get down? I think it's time we go home."

"But Papa! I'm having fun!" Jaylon pouted, looking at me with those big green eyes. 

"Jay, please? Papa wants to go get ice cream." 

"Ice cream?!" 

"No Ja-" But it was too late, Jaylon jumped from the monkey bars, landing right in front of me.

"No what?"

"Dammit Jay! Don't scare me like that!" Jaylon just giggled.

"Papa said a bad word." I just shook my head, but I couldn't help but smile at my little boy. I picked him up, carrying over to Harry who was still watching us intently.

"I'm guessing we're leaving then?"

"Papa said I could have ice cream... He also said a naughty word." Harry took Jaylon from my arms, shaking his head at me as he did so.

"Did he now? Well I guess Papa doesn't get any ice cream then." 

"Hey! That's not fair! It was my idea." I crossed my arms, pouting slightly.

"You know Li... Sometimes I think I came home with two kids instead of one."

"Meanie." Harry just laughed at me, kissing my slightly pouted lips.

"I love you Li."

"You're lucky I love you too." 

"Papa! Daddy... I want ice cream!" Jaylon whined, making us both laugh now. 

"Alright babe, we're going." 


We were laying in our bed later that night, our bodies tangled up in the sheets. My head was against his bare chest, his fingers were playing with my hair. He sighed contentedly, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you Li." He whispered, and I couldn't help but smile. 

"You know I love you too Haz... Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you hadn't been forced to marry me?" 

"I wasn't forced... I chose to in the end." 

"You know what I meant."

"I know, and to be honest I don't think I have. It's kinda weird to even think of my life without you now. You've made me a better person, a happier one too. You and Jaylon are my world now, and I don't think I can ever picture life without the two of you." 

 "I'm glad in a way that you chose me... I never in a million of years would've thought you'd chose me. I thought I would end up dying alone, just waiting for you to follow me on twitter for gods sake. You were seriously all I thought about from the day I found you.... Although I sound somewhat like a stalker right now." 

"You're too cute, you know that?" 

"I am?" He nodded, kissing my nose softly.

"You really are. I love you Liam, and I'm glad I chose you, even though I made it seem like I regreted it. I never regretted it.... I just thought you would. I always thought you hated me because I was forcing you to do something you'd never want to do. I thought you wouldn't want me... I thought you just wanted THE Harry Styles..." 

"You're right... I did want THE Harry Styles... But you wanna know something? I got him.... and so much more." 

"What exactly did you get?" 

"I got someone who loves me just as much as I love him.... I have a beautiful husband, and an adorable son. I have the family I've always wanted. I spent my days fanning over you, and they've finally paid off. I didn't just get Harry Styles.... I got you. I've been given the chance to live the rest of my days with you... and I can't wait for it." I could feel him smile against my skin, his breath hitting it in small little gusts. He kissed the back of my shoulder softly, moving his way up to the side of my head. 

"No amount of time with you is long enough... So let's start with forever." He whispered into my ear. I rolled my eyes at that one.

"Don't quote Twilight." 

"Maybe I want to." 

"Come up with your own quotes then."

"Fine...  Forever is the new always, just as long as I get to spend it with you." 

"Maybe you should stick with Twilight..." I giggled, earning a small shove from Harry. 

"I tried with that one!"

"I know you did... But it was cheesy as hell." 

"Sorry for trying to be romantic." 

"I still love you... Forever." 



This was just a simple story really, one that started with an obsession, but eventually led to a happy ending. 

This is how I married Harry Styles....

The boy with curly hair. 


This has been rewritten.

Just so you all are aware.

Don't freak out.






Connie xx

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