Chapter 4: Pinch Me, I Must Be Dreaming

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Chapter 4: Pinch Me, I Must Be Dreaming

Liam Payne 

"I love you Liam." He whispered, kissing me softly on the cheek making me giggle. 

"I love you too Harry." 

"What would you do if I asked you to marry me?" His voice had no hint of humor in it, making me freeze slightly to look at him. 

"Say yes? Why?"

"Marry me?" 


"C'mon Li... You already said you say yes..."

"Then yes. Yes Harry, I'll marry you." A bright smile crossed his face, and he placed another small kiss on my cheek. 

"Wake up Liam." He whispered in my ear. I turned to look at him, confusion clear on my face. 


"Liam! Wake the fuck up!" I shot up, banging foreheads with another person. 

"Ow!" Niall screeched, rubbing the spot on his head. My jaw dropped, as I noticed the four boys in front of me.

So... That wasn't a dream...

Either that... Or I'm still dreaming.

I took a small patch of skin, pinching it slightly, and winced as a small wave of pain ran up m arm.

Well... On the plus side.. This is real.

I'm sitting in a room with the band I idolize... and I want to pretty much jump the curly haired one... But he doesn't know that... Unless of course he read my older tweets.

Note to self... Delete older tweets 

"You okay?" Louis was looking at me now, his head tilted to the side. I simply nodded... Was I okay?

No... I'm trying not to scream right now.

Redline is in the same fucking room as me. 

"I think he stopped breathing.... Mate seriously... Are you okay?" Once again, I only managed a simple nod.

"Haz... Are you sure he didn't hit his head?"

"I'm positive... Maybe when he bonked heads with Niall it shook him up a little bit."

"You're the one who told me to wake him up!" 

"You volunteered!"

"I didn't! You guys were like "Oh! Someone should wake him up, Niall you do it.""

"That's not how I recall it."

"Well maybe you should find a fucking time machine, or get a better memory Styles."

"What crawled up your ass and died?"

"Nothing, my head hurts like a fucking bitch. Seriously mate, what is your head made out of? Steel?" I froze once again.... He was talking to me...

Niall fucking Horan just asked me question

How do my vocal chords work again?

"U-Uh... No... Bo-bone act-actually." 


Way to look like an idiot...

Louis burst out laughing, and the rest of them just stared at him like he was crazy. 

"B-Bone! Haz, he's a keeper!" 

"I don't see how that was funny..." Zayn said, his eyes filled with concern...

How adorable... But I ship Ziall... Zouis is just... Ew.

Why the fuck am I thinking of ships?

I hissed as I felt someone's fingers touch my forehead, the spot where Niall's forehead had connected with mine still tender.

"Shit... He got you pretty good... You sure you're okay?" Harry's voice reached my ears, and it took all of my will not to pass out again...

Please not again...

"I'm f-fine."

"It's gonna bruise... Who knew Niall had such a hard head... Too bad there's not much brain in there."

"I can fucking hear you Styles."

"I know you can Niall." Harry's eyes never left mine, and I know it sounds kinda creepy... but I felt like we were having some sort of connection.

That's not creepy...

"When's Paul gonna get here? I'm sick of this place." I heard Louis whine, and Harry looked away from me.

I frowned slightly... Hopefully on the inside.

"I dunno, but soon I think. We have to go to Management tonight and tell them we found him." Harry turned back to me, his expression an unpleased one. 

"We taking him with us Haz?"

"Only if he wants to come." 

"Wa-Wait who's h-he?"

"Did you really hit your head that hard Mate? It's you." Niall said, nonchalantly shrugging.

"Y-You're j-joking." 

"I'm as serious as I am Irish, and last time I checked... I'm Irish."


"That's for little Hazza to explain." I raised my eyebrows at him, and he didn't really help with my confusion.

"I'll tell you later, but that's only if you want to come. You don't have to."

"I-I can co-come... I mean wh-whats the harm?"

"You'll have to wait... and Liam... If you say no, I understand."

"S-Say no? To what?"

"You'll find out soon enough..."

And little did I know, that by going with them... I was laying out my future on a table...

Harry just so happened to be apart of it...


Sorry it's short!

Hopefully I'll be update again sometime this week... Depends on school

But thank you guys for being patient <3







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