Chapter 3: What Is Air?

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Chapter 3: What Is Air?

I sighed deeply, placing my head into the palm of my hand as I waited for someone to come to the till. This was my job, something I did for 6 hours 5 days a week. 

Living the dream!


I hate my job sometimes, but it pays, so I just deal with it. 

Now you're probably wondering what my job is.

Basically, I'm a cashier at the music store. 

Yeah... Not very exciting. 

I glanced at the clock, and I instantly perked up.

10 more minutes... Just 10 more minutes left in this hell. 

The ringing of the front bell sounded through my ears, making me look towards it. A group of four boys walked into the store, but the dim lighting of the store made it difficult to see who they were. They were talking softly, and kept looking around the store. I didn't really see the point in watching them, they were probably just looking for something to buy.

That meant I could be entertained for a few minutes at least. 

The sound of screaming girls filled my ears after a few minutes, and I looked towards the door of the store to see them massing outside of it. My brows furrowed in confusion.

Why the hell was there a shit load of girls outside the music store?

"Fuck." I heard someone say, and I looked in the direction of the voice. It was one of the four boys that had walked into the store earlier. 

"I didn't think they'd find us that quick..." That voice... I've heard it somewhere...

"We're stuck... Fuck. Louis this is your fault!" 

"How the fuck is this my fault?!"

"You're the one who wanted to go to the fucking mall! Without security!" 

Security? Who the fuck are these people?! 

"Well I'm sorry that I wanted to leave the hotel room and acutally have some fun! God, you're such a stick in the mud Zayn!" Zayn? Louis? It's just coincidence that they have the same names as two members of my favorite boyband right? It can't possibly be them....

"Will you two just shut it? You're giving me a headache." An Irish voice spoke up. Oh god... It's them... I'm not gonna freak out... I'm not gonna freak out.

"Look, we can just call Paul, and he can come get us! How does that sound?" 


"No one asked for your opinion Louis."

"Does it look like I care Zayn?" 

"Stop being such a pain in the ass Louis."

"I will, once you apologize for saying this is my fault." 

"I won't apologize for the obvious Louis."

"It's not my fucking fault Zayn, it's Harry's!" My heart sped up at the mere mention of his name, and I felt as if I couldn't breathe.... He was here... He had to be.

"Don't blame this on Harry! It's not his fault he's being forced to do this!"

"You'd think he'd be happy!"

"Getting married by fo-"

"Will you guys shut the fuck up? The guy at the cash register can fucking hear you!" I stopped breathing completely as they all looked at me. I looked down at the counter in front of me, hoping that they wouldn't come over here.

I couldn't handle that.

Hell I can't even handle being in the same fucking room as them...

Especially Harry...

"What's your name?" I dared glance up, my eyes instantly meeting with the green that often haunted my dreams, making them nightmares when I woke up. 

"I-I.... I'm L-Liam." I stuttered out, looking back down at my hands, now ashamed of the fact I just made a fool of myself in front of the love of my life.

Fucking idiot. 

"It's nice to meet you Liam. I'm Harry, but I'm sure you already know that." I nodded, still refusing to look him in the eyes. Then he did something I wasn't really expecting, he took my chin into his hand, moving my face to look up at him. I got lost in the green, and I could hardly believe that any of this was happening.

I had to be dreaming.

When the fuck was I going to wake up?

My breathing had literally stopped now, and the lack of oxygen to my brain probably wasn't very good. I felt a little light headed, and I blinked a couple times hoping that I could keep my vision focused.

Slowly, but surely, my vision went completely black.


Third Person 

The three boys gasped in absolute surprise as the young clerk fell to the ground. Harry was quick however, catching the brown eyed boy in his arms before his head hit the ground. 

"Is he breathing?!" Niall panicked, not really sure as to what to do. Harry chuckled at his friend, before nodding to reassure him that Liam was in fact breathing. 

"I'm sure he's fine Niall, probably just in shock that we're here." 

"Why? It's not like he's a fan of ours or not." 

"He is."

"How do you know that?" 

"He's the one management picked for me..." Harry sighed, looking down at the passed out boy. 


"Fuck is right Niall... Fuck is right."


Sorry it took so long to update!

School took over my life for a little while, but I have the whole weekend off and that means updates!

So... What do you think Management has in store for Harry?

What's their plan????

Share your thoughts!



She's my Chicken Wing, and I love her very much. Her stories are just beautiful!





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