Chapter 14: 1 Thing 2 Say 3 Words 4 You

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Chapter 14: 1 Thing 2 Say 3 Words 4 You

"Hey Liam?"

"Yeah Harry?"

"I uh... Think I might be in love with you."


He didn't answer me, instead he placed his lips against mine.

That was when everything changed... 

I woke up in my bed... or at least the guest bedroom bed, but I wasn't alone. 

No... Someone had their arms wrapped around my waist, and god it was so hot!

"Go back to sleep Liam, I'm tired." Harry's voice filled my ears, making me smile. 

"Okay." I whispered, closing my eyes in hopes of finding sleep once more. Of course I've never been one lucky enough for that, so I just laid there with my eyes closed, and enjoyed the feeling of being in Harry's arms. 

Harry woke up an hour later, blinking at me in confusion, but then a smile appeared on his face. 

"This is real right? I mean you're really like sleeping in the same bed as me and stuff..."


"So that means last night was real too... Good. I don't think I'd be able to go another day forcing myself to tell you we're only friends." Harry whispered, his smile growing if that was even possible. 

"Last night was real Harry... I mean I shook hands with Ryan Seacrest! If that wasn't real, I'd probably cry until I drowned in my own tears." 

"Is that all you remember?" Harry's smile fell, and I kept my face hidden along with my smile. I was having fun with this... Teasing him that is.

Of course I remembered it. 

I remembered everything..

Including the fact that he thinks he's in love with me.

That's the best part.

"Am I supposed to remember something else? My memory tends to forget things after 11." 

"Just forget it..." Harry let go of me, getting out of the bed. This made me frown, and I was quick to get out of bed to. He went to open the door, but I put my hand on his shoulders.

"I remember everything Harry... and I think I'm in love with you too." I whispered. 

"You're not funny." Harry whispered back, but his smile had come back.

"I've been told I'm hilarious actually." 

"By who? Your mum?"

"How'd you guess?" 

"I dunno... Guess I was just lucky." He pressed his lips gentley against mine, smiling.

I could never get used to it.

But hey... I wasn't complaining.

I was happy for the first time in what feels like forever.

"I'm the lucky one." I said, after he pulled away of course.

"No... I'm the one who's lucky Liam... I'm glad I chose you." 

"You never did tell me who you were supposed to pick..."

"Let's eat some breakfast first, then I'll tell you?" I was going to protest, but then my stomach growled, signalling that I was in need of food. Harry chuckled, kissing my cheek before leaving the room. Once I knew he was out of ear shot, I face planted into the bed.

And screamed

All my dreams were coming true.

I was in love with Harry Styles, and he was in love with me. 

Could life get any better?

Oh wait. It already has!

We're getting married.

My life was finally starting to make sense... no longer did I feel like I was being forced to do something. 

He was finally mine...

No one could take him away from me.

When I finally got everything out of my system, I left the guest room. Harry was standing in the kitchen, making what looked like omelettes. He gave me a smile, which I returned. This felt right...

Everything with Harry felt right now. 

"Did you have fun with your little scream fest?" Harry smirked, turning his attention back to the omelette.

"What scream fest? I don't scream... Nope." 

"Don't lie Li, you're a terrible liar." 

"I've been lying for god knows how long Harry, I think I'm a pretty damn good liar now." Harry chuckled, turning to face me once more. His face was so close to mine... all I had to do was lean in a little more.

"Is that so? Then tell me... Do you love me?" 

"That's not very fair.. You already know the answer to that." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just answer the question Li."

"The eggs are gonna burn."

"Shit!" Harry moved away from me, running towards the omelette on the stove. He finished cooking, going back over to me with two plates in his hands. He placed one down in front of me, and sat next to me with the other in front of him. We ate in silence, but it wasn't an awkward one. We were both smiling at our plates. When we finished, Harry did the dishes while I washed the table. 

"So... Who were your other choices?" I asked, sitting down on the couch. Harry sat next to me, laying his head on my lap. 

"They wanted me to date someone in the band. I told them they could gladly fuck off, and find someone else. They suggested Louis, which just made me wanna puke... The fans would've loved it I guess, I mean they do think Lou and I are in a relationship.. Or at leas they used to. Then they suggested Niall, and I had to say no to that one.. For reasons." 

"Oh... I still am failing to see why you chose me though."

"To be honest Liam, I don't know why I did. I think I was just trying to get them off my back, but I was wrong earlier. I'm glad I chose you. I love you, and I can't really picture my life without you now."

"I love you too Harry." 



There we go.

Took me two hours.

And it's all fluffy....








PS: Thank you for 1k votes, and almost 100 votes on the last chapter <3

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