Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home... With Harry Styles

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Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home... With Harry Styles

I was rudely awoken the next morning to the sound of someone slamming their fists against my front door. I was quite slow with getting out of bed, and I really was just tempted to tell them to fuck off so I could go back to sleep.

That of course is rude.

And I'm not a rude person... Most of the time.

I got out of bed, and walked to the front door. I opened it, groaning at the sight of Harry and a few body guards.

"Why the fuck are you here at 6 in the morning?" I groaned, running a hand over my face. Harry didn't answer my question, instead shoved me aside and stood in my front room. His body guards pushed past me too, and I just looked at them as if the'd lost their minds.

I don't remember saying they could come in..

"It's moving day Liam, and I thought it'd be best to get this done as soon as fucking possible. Unless you want to be mobbed by fans."

"They don't know where I live Harry."

"Yeah? Well they'd find out soon enough. Now go get dressed, and help us pack."

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Liam, don't make this difficult."

"I'm not. You just came into my apartment uninvited at fucking six in the morning!" 

"Just get ready. It'll make this less painful."

"Make me." 

"You really don't want me to Liam."

"Fuck off, I'm going back to bed."

"No, you're going to get ready." 

"Like I said Harry, make me. It's my house not yours. I can do whatever the fuck I want."

"I really didn't want to do this Liam, but you're leaving me no choice." What he did next wasn't something I ever though would've happened... Like ever. He picked me up bridal style at first, but then moved me to where I was hanging over his shoulder. 

"What the fuck!" I screamed out, and all I heard was his chuckle.

"I warned you Liam." 

"Put me down!" I started to pound against his back, which really just made him laugh harder. He threw me against the bed, making me bounce slightly. However he fell on top of me, which I was hoping it was intentional, but at the time we both knew it wasn't. He didn't get up straight away, instead he looked at me... a weird expression on his face. I coughed a little, the situation too awkward for me not to. He blinked before climbing off me, the old passive expression returning to his face.

"Get dressed, and if you're not dressed in 20 minutes, I'll dress you myself."

"O-Okay." And with that he left, just making me watch him go. 


Exactly 20 minutes later I was pulling on my shirt when Harry walked in.

"Good. You can start packing your clothes. Paul is almost done with the kicthen and Issac is almost done with your front room. I'll help you with your room."

"I can do it myself."

"Look, I want to get this done as soon as possible. I'm going to help with your fucking room whether or not you like it."

"Is living with you going to be like this?"

"Only if you make my life difficult."

"You're the one making things difficult." 

"On the contrary. You're the one who isn't doing what their told. Now let's get started." I sighed, but gave in anyways, there really was no point in arguing with him.

Besides I didn't want my life to be hell.


It took almost two hours to pack up my room, and by the time we were finished Paul and Issac had already finished the rest of the house. I was currently sitting in the back seat of a car, watching sadly as we drove away from my home... my old home. Harry sat next to me, glaring down at his phone...

"You know if looks could kill your phone would be dead by now."

"Yeah? So you think if I glare at Henry enough he'll burst into flames?"

"Who's Henry?"

"Head manager. He's moving the coming out date to Monday." 

"B-But... That's three days from now... I thought we had a week..."

"Welcome to my life Liam, you'll get to enjoy this hell for the rest of your life."

"I don't understand why you let them treat you like this..."

"I like my job Liam, I like what I do, and unfortunately, in order to do what I love I have to deal with assholes for most of my life. Someday we'll be able to be free of it all, but until then we're in this together."

"You don't even want to be with me..."

"You're right I don't, but sometimes we gotta do things we don't like." It grew silent after that, and I was kinda glad it did. I didn't know if I'd be able to really say anything to him at all... 

This wasn't the Harry I thought he was...

When we arrived at his house, Harry was the first out the door, practically running to his door. I followed behind him, Paul and Issac carrying a few boxes. Harry opened the door, and entered with us just behind him. 

"Welcome home Liam." Harry said, and walked away not even bothering to show me around.

"Home... Is anywhere but here."


Whoop whoop. I think this is two updates in over 24 hours. That's a new record!






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