Chapter 15: Never Alone Cause I've Got You

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Chapter 15: Never Alone Cause I've Got You

The next few months went by in a blur.

It was interview after interview.

Wedding shopping..

Visiting family.

Harry leaving for tour.

Harry coming back from tour.

And before I knew it... It was exactly one week until I was to be marrying the man of my dreams. 

I was still having the hardest time letting that sink in...

I was gong to be marrying Harry Styles...

The boy with the curls... 

And I guess the hardest part for me to understand was the fact that he loves me... and I love him.

This kind of thing never happens in real life, only in fanfiction, but yet here I was... Standing in a tuxedo as my mother smiled at me. 

"You look so handsome..." 

"Thanks mum... Oh don't cry." I said as I caught her eye in the mirror. She just laughed at me, shaking her head slightly. 

"I'm not sad sweetheart... I'm just so happy for you. Who would've thought you'd be marrying that boy you obsessed over so long." 

"I certainly didn't... It's all so crazy mum, I'm scared I'm gonna just wake up... Find out this is all some sort of dream."

"I can assure you, it's real... Are you happy Liam?" 

"I am mum... I love him, and for once it's not just the image, or the thought... I love him completely. He's all I've ever wanted." 

"He's a lucky man... Just... Be careful Liam?"

"I don't need to be mum."

"Can you still be though? I don't want you to end up hurt cause this doesn't work out." 

"It'll work out mum, put a little faith in us okay? Besides, you're the one who agreed to this in the first place."

"What are you talking about? I never agreed to anything." I paused for a moment, raising my eyebrow at my mother.

"You mean you didn't agree to me being forced to marry Harry?" My mother's face contorted into a look of pure confusion. 

"Liam I believe you're confused. I never agreed to anything where you were concerned, let alone who you marry! That's your own choice, so to be honest darling I have no clue as to what you're talking about." 

"Just forget I even said anything, it doesn't matter anymore." I gave her a tight smile, but on the inside I couldn't be more confused.

What the fuck was going on?


When I returned home, I plopped my bag onto the floor, throwing my shoes off, and literally face planting into the couch. I let out a groan, not wanting to move. It was just so goddamn comfy. I heard a chuckle that sounded as if it was from the kitchen, but I didn't wanna look up.

I was exhausted.

"Good to see you're happy to be home." Harry's angelic voice filled me, and I guess I could look up for just a moment. I gave him a small smile, then face planted again. 

"Why is planning a wedding so damn exhausting?" I felt the couch dip a little as Harry sat down next to me. His fingers began to play with the hair on the back of my neck, and I hummed in contentment.

"Because you want it to be perfect, and it will be... I promise."

"It's causing me so much stress it's not even funny." 

"I dunno... I'm finding it kinda funny." The humor was clear in his voice, and I wanted to glare at him, but I was too exhausted to even lift my head. 

"Hardy har har. You can sit there and find my stressing funny, but you haven't had to run around making sure everything is perfect. You just got back from touring two weeks ago you ass." 

Harry had left just a little after New Years, leaving me alone in the apartment, with no one to talk to but the walls. I told Harry I needed a cat or some sort of animal, but then he came back... Told me who needs a cat when you've got me!

"Sorry I had to do my job." He stopped playing with my hair, making me groan in annoyance.

"You know that's not what I meant... I just missed you is all. You can only talk to the wall for so long..." 

"Well... I guess I could you a cat."

"I prefer dogs." 





"No! I don't want a dog." Harry huffed, and I finally turned to look at him.

"Please... I want a puppy." I tried my hardest to give him my puppy dog eyes, the ones that got me almost everything when I was little... Well except for that dog I wanted.

"No and that's my final answer." 

"Pretty please? I'm so lonely when you're gone... I need something to keep me company." 

"Why do we need a dog? You've already got one." 

"Really?" My face lit up, and I almost sat up... Almost.

"Yes, it's on your face." My smile turned into a frown, and my eyes narrowed at Harry.


"Yeah, but really I'm your asshole."


It was nearing midnight and I still couldn't sleep. The conversation with my mother was still stuck in my head... and I couldn't help but wonder if Harry had any clue to it. I didn't want to wake him though, instead I just laid there... Wondering.

"Li? You asleep?" His voice was quiet, just over a whisper.

"No. I can't sleep." 


"I was... I talked to my mum today, you know about how she agreed to all of this a long time ago?" 

"Oh... What'd she say?"

"She told me she didn't even know. She honestly thought we met each other the way we did... that we fell in love the way we said we did. She believed all of it, but I'm not sure if I believe her." 

"Does it really matter? I mean c'mon Li... We do love each other now. We're gonna be happy together, it shouldn't bother you that management lied. That's what they do... Lie. Now go to sleep.. We have a big day tomorrow." He kissed my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me. 

But I couldn't sleep...

For I had an odd feeling in my stomach..

One that told me something was gonna happen.

I just didn't know what.


I'm sorry I take so long to update.

But here it is.

You guys are gonna hate me cause I'm not gonna be updating for a while cause I'm gong on hiatus. 

I'll still update just not as often.





Connie xx

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