Chapter 10: Dancing In The Moonlight

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Chapter 10: Dancing In The Moonlight

Just remember to smile. 

I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath, trying to ignore the fact that I felt like throwing up all over the place right now. Harry was standing next to me, his eyes glancing at me occasionally...

Maybe for once... He's just as nervous as I am.

Just remember to smile. 

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have a very special guest with me tonight... You ready to say hello?" There was a loud cheering, and I just knew I was either about to puke, or shit my pants. You'd think after a month of making this damn appearances... I'd be used to it all. 

"Please welcome to the stage... Harry Styles and Liam Payne!" The cheers grew even louder, and I felt Harry's hand slip into mine...

Just remember to smile. 

My eyes were attacked by the bright white lights, but I still threw on my best smile. Harry's hand tightened around mine, but I was still pretty sure I was about to throw up. I smiled, and waved as Harry led me to the couch where our interviewer sat. She was smiling at us too, but I couldn't help but wonder if hers was as fake as mine...

"Hello boys! How are you tonight?"

"We're fantastic Taylia. What about yourself?" 

"I'm doing well myself..." And the interview commenced. I sat on the couch mostly, only laughing or nodding occasionally. I wasn't one to answer questions about us... That was always Harry.

For he could lie, while I stutter with just a simple word. 

Just remember to smile. 

"So, you boys have been together for what.. Three months now? I think I have that right, but we have our sources that you've moved in together. Care to confirm or deny that? Liam? You've been awfully quiet."

"Sorry... Just a little nervous you know. But uh... Yeah. We live together." 

"It's nice to have someone in the house.. I don't feel so alone anymore." Harry offered the crowd his damn smirk, and there was a chorus of awes, and screams. 

"Aren't you two just adorable. Now I have to ask... Liam... What's it like dating THE Harry Styles?"

"It has its up and downs if I'm honest Taylia."

"Do you wanna explain that a little Liam." 

"There are just days where I wonder what I've gotten myself in to... but when I see that smile, or hear his laugh, I realize that I got myself into paradise. Out of the millions of people he could choose... He chose me, and I can't help but feel special. He treats me like I'm his world, and I can't see myself with anyone else. I love everything about him... He's a great person, honestly, he's like my best friend, and I just can't help but be happy. He's my rock." 

"And what about you Harry? What's it like dating Liam?"

"Well, it's like Liam said, every relationship has it's ups and downs, and I too wonder what I've gotten myself in to. Liam makes me happy as long as he's happy. I can't see myself with anyone else." Another chorus of awes, and I couldn't help but look at my lap and blush. 

Just remember to smile. 

"Before we go Taylia, I need to ask Liam something if that's alright?" Taylia nodded eagerly. I knew what he was doing... How could I not?

Harry climbed up off the couch, and knelt in front of me on one knee. He pulled out of his blazer pocket that velvet box that was my future. There was an audible gasp that ran through the crowd. My heart started to race, and I really was sure I was going to puke this time. 

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