Chapter 11: Maybe It's Time To Grow Up

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Chapter 11: Maybe It's Time To Grow Up

"Is that really what you think? That this is some sort of nightmare?"

"Harry... I didn't mean it like that.."

"Then how did you mean it? I'm sorry that being stuck with me is such a burden! I'm sorry I'm not what you want." He let go of me, tears evident in his eyes. I felt tears of my own escape my eyes...

"Harry... I'm sorry!"

"Fuck off Liam, just when I thought I could actually be friends with you." 

"So, Harry... How's the wedding coming along?" The interviewer asked, batting her eyes at him. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. That's not flattering hun, you look like a whore.I thought, 

"It's going great, thanks for asking." Harry shot her a smile, but I knew it was fake. Harry hadn't smiled once this entire week... Or to my knowledge he hasn't. In all honesty... He hasn't even left his room until this morning when he came to wake me up.

Rather rudely if I dare say myself. 

But I deserved it... I ruined everything by just speaking my mind..

My mom did tell me that one day my mouth would get me in trouble...

"Have you guys decided on a date yet?"

"Actually we have. We're planning on getting married April 1st."

"April Fools day?"

"Yes, I know that sounds a bit strange, but really it was Liam's idea." Harry turned to look at me, his face still holding that fake smile. Hurt was still evident in his eyes... and all I wanted to do was apologize for what I'd said...

"Uh yeah... I've always liked the idea of getting married in April... So why not the 1st? Besides, Harry will have some time off before that. Sure I wish it wasn't 5 months away, but you know... Weddings take time." 

"I'm sure they do." She said, her voice was rather rude however. The rest of the interview carried on, Harry answering most of the quesitons, while I just sat there and smiled. When it was all over, we said our goodbyes, leaving the stage hand in hand, but of course once we were away from watching eyes... Harry's hand left mine. I tried not to frown, but I wasn't doing a good job... 


"You boys aren't doing a very good job of convincing people." Henry was looking at us, his eyes cold, and a frown present on his face. I didn't want to look him in the eyes, I didn't want to look at Harry... I didn't want to look at anyone. 

"Well I'm sorry that my acting isn't the best." Harry's voice was cold, and I could tell he was angry. Harry didn't smile around me anymore, not since that night...

"Maybe you should take some lessons then. You boys need to be more convincing. People are begginging to question if this is real or not. Management and I have decided that the both of you will attend the New York ball drop. There will be news crews and fans, hopefully they'll catch the two of you kissing at the ball drop." 

"If you think I'm gonna kiss him, you have another fucking thing coming." Harry seethed, his eyes glaring at Hnery. I was convinced the elderly man was about to burst into flames with the hatred in Harry's eyes. I flinched at the harshness in his voice, and I could feel a few tears tickle my eyes. I stared down at my eyes, hoping that I wouldn't cry.

I can't cry.

His words don't hurt me.

I'm fucking fine.

He's just some asshole.

A very attractive asshole, but still... an asshole.

"I don't care Mr. Styles. You will kiss at midnight, and if you don't I'll make sure your band never sells another record." Harry didn't say anything after that, instead he stormed out of the room. I followed him like a lost puppy, unsure of what I was supposed to do. He was already in the car by the time I'd made it. He was fuming looking at the window, and refused to look at me. 

Why would he want to?

I'm just the person he's forced to marry.

I'm nothing special to him.

"You're not the only one being forced you know." I said, finally sick of it. I was done with him treating me like I don't have feelings.

"I know that."

"Then why do you fucking act like you are?! I'm sorry that I wasn't your fucking first choice. I'm sorry that I'm not over the fucking moon about this. God Harry, you make it sound like I don't give a shit about anything. My whole life was ruined because of this, and you're sitting there acting like you're all that matters." 

"You're the one acting like a little kid Liam! Right when I thought we were finally friends you say living with me is some fucking nightmare! That fucking hurts Liam, but that doesn't matter obviously."

"Stop being so goddamn butt hurt over everything I say! I'm not happy, and you're not making it any easier. I'm sorry that I was your fucking last choice."

"You fucking make it sound like living with me is a burden. Do you think I find that okay?! I have feelings too Liam."

"You only care about yourself Harry." 

"That makes two of us then."

"We haven't exactly thought about each other have we?" I whispered.

"No... We haven't." 

"Maybe it's time we grow up... Friends?" He offered me a smile, before taking my outstretched hand.



This chapter didn't do what I wanted it to.

Oh well

Lirry are friends now.

And they're gonna kiss on New Years.

Next thing you know Liam's prego

Just kidding this isn't an Mpreg.








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