Chapter 9: Stuck Together

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Chapter 9: Stuck Together

For the first time since I'd moved in with Harry, I wasn't rudely awoken by him yelling at me, and this upset me.

In the few weeks that I'd been here, I had grown accustomed to him waking me up... I liked him being the first thing I woke up to. 

I sighed, climbing out of the warm bed and into the bitter cold that surrounded my room. I pulled the comforter off the bed, wrapping myself in it as I walked to the kitchen. 

It was quiet...

A little too quiet.

Where was Harry?

But of course, speak of the devil and they're almost guaranteed to show up. Harry walked in just that very moment, his eyes also filled with sleep.

"Mornin." He mumbled, going over to the fridge and opening it.

"Good morning." I whispered, pulling the blanket closer around me.

"Did you sleep okay?" 

"I slept fine..." I lied with ease, offering him a small smile that was faker than Unicorns. In all honesty, I didn't really even sleep, those negative thoughts kept running through my mind the entire night. 

No matter how many times Harry tells me to ignore the negative comments, I can't help but look at them anyways. 

"Good, you okay with pancakes today?" 

"I'm fine with anything. I'm gonna go shower if that's okay?"

"It's your house too Liam, you don't have to ask." I nodded, choosing not to voice the fact that this place isn't my home. I walked into my room once more, finding a pair of clothes for the day, and I settled with just a pair of sweats and a t-shit. If we were going somewhere today, Harry would've told me already. I walked into the adjoining bathroom, turning on the shower and stripped down. I climbed in, and just stood underneath the stream of water as I tried to figure out what the hell my life has become.

If you had told me a month before all of this happened, I would've called you crazy, and alert you that this only happens in fanfics. 

And that's just the cold hard truth... Never in a million years would this happen, so why the fuck was this happening now?

Why am I being forced to marry someone I barely know... Someone I don't love?

I always thought that was how marriage was suppose to be... You marry the one you want to be with for forever.

I don't love Harry, the Harry I thought I loved isn't the one I'm living with. The Harry I thought I knew was the Harry I witnessed last night.

A caring Harry... Someone who actually worries about others.

So I'm left to ask myself... Who is Harry Styles? 

When I returned downstairs, Harry was just finishing up with the last of the pancakes. He smiled at me, which I only half returned. Thoughts were plaguing my mind, and I was dying for answers.

These were just answers I knew he wasn't going to give me however. 

We ate breakfast in silence, the only sound was the clinking of our forks upon the plates. I would occasionally sneak a glance over at Harry, hoping that maybe he'd catch my eye, but that wasn't the case. The sound of his phone ringing destroyed the silence of the apartment, and his face turned hard.

"I really hate that ring tone."

"What ring tone is it?"

"Marimba... I set it for management." I let out a small laugh, but it died just as quick as it appeared.

"What do they want then?"

"I don't know, nor do I care. I'm not picking up the bloody phone." He grumbled, now beginning to pick at the remaining food on his plate. The phone went off again, and I cringed at the ring tone. It was rather annoying if you asked me...

"I think you should figure out what it is they want... Then they'll stop calling."

"If I pick up the goddamn phone they'll demand we go do something, act like a couple. I don't think you're ready for that... not with last night."

"Who are you to say I'm not ready to do stuff? I'm my own person Harry."

"Liam... Those people, they will tear you apart."

"It's nothing new. Now pick up the damn phone, or I will."

"Are you always going to be like this?"

"Like what?"

"Stubborn and forceful."

"I'm not stubborn." 

"Yes you are."

"Pick up the damn phone Harry." 

"Fine, but if we have to do something, you fucking owe me."

"I won't owe you anything, I'm already giving up my entire life for you." I whispered the last part, and thanked the gods about when the dammed ringing stopped. I couldn't hear the conversation, so I decided to clean up the dishes. Harry came back a few minutes later, a small scowl on his face.


"We don't have to go out today, but they want to have a meeting with us tomorrow. You lucked out on this one Liam."

"Whatever, if we're not going out today, what are we going to do?"

"Well, I haven't had a day off for a while, how does just watching a movie sound?" I just shrugged.


And that was how Harry and I spent the day, just sitting on the couch watching movies. We were now on Dirty Dancing, a classic, or at least in my opinion. 

"You know... I've never been able to dance." Harry said, after the credits began to roll.

"I know... I've seen the videos."

"I guess I should've known that. You are after all a fan."

"Why do you say that like it's such a bad thing?"

"It's not really a bad thing... I'm just not used to the idea. I always thought that if I was gonna marry someone, it would've been someone who wasn't a fan of the band. I pictured myself with a big happy family, and the girl I love by my side."

"And instead you're stuck with me. A fan, and a boy."

"Liam.. That's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean Harry? I'm sorry I'm not what you wanted, but you seem to forget that this isn't exactly my rainbow either."

"I'm sorry... I just really don't want to do this."

"If you didn't want to do this, then why did you choose me?"

"You we-"

"Your last choice. I know. You tell me that every single time. But why? If I was your last choice... Why did you still choose me?"

"I...I don't know."

"Well that makes two of us."









How I Married Harry Styles (l.p. + h.s.)Where stories live. Discover now