Chapter 17: Three Is A Family

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Chapter 17: Three Is A Family

"Good morning sunshine." I was woken up by the husky voice that belonged to my husband. I smiled softly, opening my eyes to see him smiling back at me. His curls were all over the place, his green eyes still filled with sleep.

"Morning... Why are we up so early?" I whispered, my hand grabbing Harry's underneath the blanket. 

"I dunno... I guess I just couldn't sleep?"

"It's 7 Haz... Did you not sleep at all last night?"

"I slept... I just woke up early... I wanted to wake up before you." 

"Oh... Can we go back to sleep?"

"No, I think it's time for us to wake up. C'mon Li." I whined, closing my eyes, burying my head further into the covers.

"I don't wanna." 

"C'mon Li... It's our 6 month anniversary." My eyes widened, and my heart started to race.

There was no way we'd been married that long...

It didn't feel like it had been that long.

It felt like just yesterday I was saying I do...

"And do you remember what I said we'd do on our 6 month?" My eyebrows scrunched together, and my mind started to think of all the things Harry had promised me in the past 6 months.

"Something to do with children." Then it clicked, my mouth dropping open.

"Wait. You were serious?! I thought you were just joking!" I sat up in the bed, the covers folding down to cover my lap. Harry just looked up at me lazily, his head now being supported by his hand. 

"Would I joke about something like that?"

"No... But Haz... This is a kid we're talking about.... That's a huge responsibility..." 

"I think we can do it."

"I didn't say we couldn't... Don't you feel like we're... I don't know rushing into things?" 

"No, I wanna do this Li. I think a baby would be great... We can finally have a family... Nothing can come between our family." 

"I just don't want to rush into something like this Haz... I don't wanna make a mistake here." 

"It won't be a mistake... C'mon Li... Think about it... We can have a baby?"

"A baby?" 

"Yeah... a baby. Or a little kid... C'mon Li... Picture a little one running around the apartment... Smiling and laughing... He'll have your eyes..."

"I think your eyes would be better." 

"I don't think it really matters... He'll be our little boy... We get to raise him, make him smile... Keep him safe and warm.... I know you want this... I know you want a family Li." 

"I do.... I just don't know Haz..." 

"Okay, let's not think logically about this. Go with what your heart feels..." It grew quiet for a moment, and I bit my lip a little.

"Fine. Let's do it. Let's go get a baby." Harry's smile literally lit up the entire room, and he sat up to pull me into his arms.

"I love you so much Li... I love you." He whispered into my ear, covering my face with kisses.

"I love you too Haz... I love you too."


We stood in front of a small building, the front door looked like it could use a paint job. Harry's hand was in mine, and I felt like my heart was beating a million miles a minute.

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